Chapter 3

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Caroline bit her lip, watching the trees pass by the carriage window. The trip seemed to take forever, although maybe it just seemed that way considering Klaus and her hadn't said a word to each other since he had helped her into the carriage. She didn't know this Klaus, although she didn't know present day Klaus that well either, but at least she knew somewhat how he would react. Here, she knew nothing about this Klaus, and she could already tell he was different then the one she knew in the present. He was more polite...more innocent? No that couldn't be the right word choice, but there was something about the way he carried himself that made him seem more pure than future Klaus; which made her relax more, he didn't make her feel so uneasy.

Klaus didn't look at her once the entire ride, which allowed her time to think without being analyzed. Once they reached his house, and she stepped out of the carriage, she considered laughing. There, in front of her wasn't a house; it was a palace, with acres of yard. She let out a laugh; it was magnificent, although how could she expect anything less than this from him? It looked like one of the palaces that Caroline had seem in old movies, it reminded her of Mr. Darcy's in Pride and Prejudice.

"Something funny?" Klaus said, he was now watching her closely. She turned her head to meet his gaze.

"Oh, no. You're pal- home is beautiful." She said sweetly, she needed to be on her best behavior, no snarky comments. The only way to get the info she wanted was to play nice.

Klaus didn't seem to think anything of her comment because he turned his gaze away from her and motioned for Caroline to follow him. Caroline was still gasping as they entered his home, the art along the walls was magnificent, and the detailed marble statues were profound. She followed Klaus up a few flights of stairs; he was always a few steps ahead of her. As they reached the top step and he turned a corner into a large room, Caroline followed, still amazed by the architecture of his home.

"It really is beautiful," Caroline whispered, entering what she assumed was his room, she could feel Klaus' eyes steady on her. When she finally turned to look at him, his gaze didn't break away; and for the first time, Caroline realized the word she had been searching for to describe the new, or in this case, old Klaus, he looked sad. It was a silent sadness, one that was easily covered up by his stern looks, but it was there, she could see it as he stared at her.

"What is your name?" He asked suddenly.

"Caroline," She whispered, biting her lip.

He nodded. "My name is Niklaus, but you will call me Klaus." He instructed as he began pacing the room. He kept one eye on her though, examining her.

"You're not like other women, are you?" He said, squinting at her, as if there was something he just couldn't figure out.

"You're only saying that because I publically humiliated myself back there," She said with a nervous laugh.

"Humiliated?" Klaus said, frowning. "Did you see the way those girls were looking at you? The way the men, were looking at you?" Caroline parted her lips about to say something but he continued. "Those girls wanted to be you, and the men wanted to be with you."

Caroline didn't know what to say, she had felt the girls angry stares, but never considered for a moment that they were envy stares. To her, she looked like a mess, what with her dress and the way she had burst through the crowd of women.

"I-I didn't realize," Caroline said, then mentally kicked herself for sounding like a fool, Caroline Forbes never stuttered, but he had made her feel something, what, she wasn't sure. Suddenly Caroline came back down to earth, she needed to focus.

"Just so you know," She started making sure her head was high. "I'm not a whore, and I don't plan on sleeping with you." She hadn't meant it to sound so mean, as if it was a disgrace to sleep with him, although Klaus didn't seem to notice because he smiled a little.

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