Chapter 5

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The last thing that Caroline remembered was the tree branches and rocks clawing at her feet and arms as she pushed her way through the brush, hoping to put as much distance from her and Klaus as possible. She could still hear the echo of his voice though; trying to push it's way into the future with her. Soon it grew darker, and darker until Caroline couldn't even see her hands through the darkness of the forest. The leaves didn't feel like leaves anymore, they seemed to have transformed into some kind of soft material, clothing. It was as if bunches of clothing was surrounding her now, she felt suffocated as she pushed through the jackets; she knew she was now in the present, but where was she exactly? And just as she thought this, making another push forward into the clothing filled darkness, she hit something hard and it gave way under the pressure of her hands, and the next thing she knew she was falling through what she now saw was a doorway, and onto the brightly lit rug that was located in Elena's room.

Groaning she lifted her head, noticing that she was sprawled on the floor, and looking behind her she saw that she had come from Elena's closet, which now had clothing spilling out of it.

"How was Narnia?" She heard a voice say, she turned her head to the right, momentarily blinded by the light, she saw that it was Damon. He was sitting in one of Elena's chairs, her teddy bear on his lap.

"Well," Caroline heard Elena's voice say, she turned her head, looking up onto Elena's bed where her and Bonnie sat staring at a computer screen. "That was quick."

Caroline groaned again, sitting up this time, watching everyone. "How long was I gone for?" She asked, looking at her two friends, and ignoring Damon who now appeared to be forcing Elena's teddy bear to dance.

"Oh," Bonnie said, looking at her phone. "I'd a say a good twenty-five minutes."

"Only twenty-five minutes?" Caroline said, her mouth open, she had felt like she had been gone for a century.

"Yeah, I had enough time to cook AND eat my hot pocket before you got back." Elena said. "By the way, nice dress." Caroline looked at the overly large gown that she had been given to wear.

"How?" Caroline said, changing the subject. "I was gone for at least over a day."

"Remember? Every minute here, is an hour in the past." Bonnie said shrugging her shoulders.

"How about we get to what really matters," Damon said, he tossed the teddy bear to the side, his eyes zoning in on Caroline. "The bloodline."

Caroline looked away, unsure of how to tell Damon that she hadn't really figured out anything, he would be furious.

"Well," Caroline said, clearing her throat. "I found out that Klaus had been in love with someone named Tatia, but then I figured out that-"

She saw Damon roll his eyes. "She's dead, yes, I already knew that," he said, standing up.

"Who's Tatia?" Elena asked, looking back and forth between Caroline and Damon. They both ignored her.

Caroline looked at him, confused. "How?"

"Diner party, Klaus' place, it was a brother thing." Damon said, making wild gestures with his hands. "But that doesn't matter, the bloodline, did you figure out anything about who changed Rose?"

There was a beat before Damon turned away sighing loudly. All it took was one of Caroline's shameful looks to know that she didn't figure anything out.

"It wasn't that easy, ok?" She said, standing up and nearly tripping over her dress. "It's not like I can just ask them who turned Rose, they would suspect something."

"Which is why you have to be cleaver about it, manipulate them into telling you." Damon said, stepping closer to her, he was angry.

"Damon, stop, it's not her fault." Elena said, shaking her head at him.

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