Chapter 6

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"Well," Elena said pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "You must be happy."

"Happy isn't the word I would use to describe my current situation," Caroline said pacing her room, Klaus' drawing in her hand.

"What happened, exactly?" Elena asked, watching the worried Caroline.

Caroline sighed, sitting down next to Elena, she began to recount the events that had happened that day.

Klaus was not amused, not in the slightest. Caroline could feel the anger radiating off of him. Tyler continued to kiss Caroline, she eventually pulled away trying to warn Tyler that he had just entered a firing zone and he was the target. Caroline was sure Klaus was about to make a lunge for Tyler, but a moment later Rebekah walked In, pleasantly surprised by Tyler's appearance.

"Tyler," she said with a sweet smile. "You're back."

Caroline glared at her, fully aware of the crush Rebekah had on Tyler.

"Will you be staying?" She asked.

"No," both Caroline and Klaus said; they looked at each other for the first time since Tyler's arrival. He still looked angry, although once his eyes met hers; an ounce of tenderness covered his face. She quickly looked away from him and began to nudge Tyler out the door.

"We should be going," Caroline said, her clipboard pressed hard against her chest. "I have to pick up Elena." There were no more words exchanged as both her and Tyler left together. Caroline could feel the tension loosen as they stepped outside, and made their way down the driveway.

"Caroline," Tyler said, his voice was low.

"Can we not talk about this right now?" Caroline snapped. She opened up her car door, glancing at Tyler. "I'm sorry, it's just..." But Tyler held up a hand, as if to say 'later.'


Elena dropped Caroline off at her house, which in between the car ride from the Lockwoods and the Forbes, Elena kept asking her questions about Klaus and if she was ok. Caroline answered that she was fine, she didn't want to tell Elena about Tyler, not yet, she was still in shock herself. Once she walked into her home, she was expecting Tyler to be there, and she wasn't disappointed.

"Hey," he said as she entered her bedroom. Caroline shook her head, yanking off her jacket and throwing it to the side.

"Tyler, you can't just-" she began to say, hoping to have a talk about his appearance at Klaus', but he surprised her by leaping up from the bed and pulling her in for a kiss. His lips hovered over hers for a moments before he whispered, "I've missed you so much."

That was all it took to bring her back to how things used to be, and for a moment, as he kissed her, pulling her into him as he brushed the stray blonde hairs from her face, she almost forgot about the Klaus dilemma, almost.

Tyler lowered Caroline down onto her bed, her hands cradling his face as he began to kiss her neck and chest. It had felt like an eternity since she had been with him, and as his lips rose to greet hers, she couldn't help but feel some hesitation. Looking up at him, she saw his brow furrow, as if he were confused about something.

"Why was Klaus asking you if you were going to the dance?" He asked suddenly. Caroline frowned at the sudden shift of mood. She didn't want to talk about Klaus.

"I don't know," she said shaking her head. "Does it matter?" She asked, and then she grabbed Tyler's head and pulled it back down to hers. She kissed him hard, hoping that he would kiss her back and after a moment of contemplation, he did. He began yanking at her shirt, and she helped him take it off by yanking it over her head. She smiled as he began kissing her stomach. Things were finally getting back to normal. Tyler sat up for a moment, to pull off his shirt, exposing his fit stomach and chest, which Caroline stroked her fingers down. Tyler was about to lean down again, when something caught his eye.

Caroline looked up at him, confused, and she followed his line of sight and saw the drawing Klaus had done of her and the horse, sitting on her dresser. Tyler stared at it for a moment, and then got off of Caroline and made his way over to it.

"Tyler, don't-" Caroline began to say, but he already had it in his grasps, staring at it, baffled.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, shaking his head. "Why is Klaus making drawings of you?"

Caroline opened her mouth to try and explain but he continued.

"What happened while I was gone?" He asked, Caroline shook her head.

"Tyler, nothing happened, he- just." Caroline tried to explain it, to try and fix everything.

"He has a thing for you." Tyler said, it wasn't a question it was a statement. Caroline shook her head, unsure of how to respond.

Tyler stared at Caroline, shaking his head. "Why you?" He asked. Caroline's eyes shot up to him, ouch.

"Caroline, I didn't mean it like that," Tyler said, seeing the hurt on her face. "I mean, of all the girls in the world-" he said stepping toward her.

"I know what you meant," Caroline snapped, she quickly stepped away from him, as if he had burned her. What other way could he have meant?

"And you're right! Why would he ever choose someone like me? Don't worry, I've already asked myself that question." She said, she could feel the tears behind her closed eyelids. She knew she was being a little dramatic, but it was him who had to go and ruin it all.

"Caroline," Tyler said, reaching out to her, but she pulled away.

"Please," Caroline said, shaking her head. "Leave."

Tyler stood there for a moment, as if he were trying to find the right words that would make this better, but he couldn't, because there was nothing to say. So he left. Caroline shook her head as she watched him walk out the door. The tears came easily then, she could feel them slipping down her cheeks, hitting the floor with a soft thud. She just wanted this day to be over, and she considered going to sleep, because her tears had exhausted her, but then she heard her front door open, and Elena's voice echo a 'hello?' throughout her house.

"I'm so sorry Caroline," Elena said, squeezing her friend's shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it? I mean, this whole Klaus and you thing?" Elena said, although Caroline could feel the hesitation in her voice.

"I can't talk about it with you," Caroline said, looking at her window, which had rain streaking down it.

"Of course you can!" Elena said, trying to make eye contact with Caroline. "I'm your friend Caroline, you can tell me anything."

"Elena, I can't, it's weird and you and I both know that." Caroline said, then taking a breath as she prepared for what she was about to say next. "He killed Jenna, and he almost killed you. It's not right."

Elena didn't respond to this, instead she looked away, knowing that Caroline was right.

"So no, I can't talk about it with you." Caroline said, squeezing Elena's arm. "I'm sorry." Elena looked back at Caroline for the first time, rolling her lips; she managed a smile though tears began to pool in her eyes.

"I'll see you at school then," Elena said, and then she got up and left. Caroline sat on her bed for a moment, taking in the silence, and then she curled up on her bed and fell asleep.

She awoke to the sound of gunshots, and feeling the ground beneath her, rough and sticky, she knew she wasn't home anymore.

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