Chapter 11

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Bright lights momentarily blinded Caroline as she made her way onto the stage. She could hear some soft jazz playing, as well as the laughing and shouting of people around her. When her eyes finally adjusted she took in the crowd, it wasn't too big, but it was definitely larger than the one she had sung to at the Grille.

"Excuse me," a voice said, pulling her out of her daze. She turned to her right, where a well-dressed man stood; he had one hand placed lightly on her arm. "What song?"

"Song?" Caroline asked, she was a bit woozy, trying to ignore the stares she was getting from the crowd.

"Yes," he said, nodding his head. "What song are you singing tonight?"

Caroline looked back out at the crowd, trying to think of any song she knew from the 20's. She didn't know one. This, she hadn't thought about. She only knew one song that might even remotely fit this era, and it wasn't even from this era.

Caroline looked around her, spotting what she was looking for. In the far back she saw a piano, it was black and looked fairly new. Caroline tried to remember if she knew all of the keys, and the lyrics. It had only been just last year that she had sung this song for the schools talent show. She came in a bitter second place, she should have won, but Carry got the sympathy card because she broke her wrist the day before the talent show, getting her pity points that allowed her to win, although she played the clarinet terribly.

"Do you mind if I play the piano?" Caroline asked the man, gesturing to it. He looked at where her finger was pointed, pausing at the sight of the instrument; he then turned back to her, surprised.

"You play?" He asked.

Caroline nodded, smiling.

"I'm certain the band doesn't know the song I'm about to sing," Caroline said, shrugging her shoulders.

"We know every song," the man said, smiling a toothy grin. "What is the name of it?"

Caroline knew he would be persistent until he got a name out of her, so she humored him.

"Bound To You," she whispered. She had seen the movie Burlesque and had fallen in love with the song. It was beautiful and elegant, and it soothed her. Something she desperately needed right now.

The man frowned. "Artist?" He asked. She shook her head.

"Christina Aguilera." She said, watching him frown deeper. She hoped this wouldn't affect the future too badly. After all Christina would be born a far 60 years from now, it couldn't hurt.

Caroline watched the man nod, waving at one of the assistants, he pointed at the piano and ordered him to bring it over. The man rolled it over to the two of them, and Caroline could see a few audience members turn their eyes to look at the new addition to the stage.

"Good luck," the man said, shrugging his shoulders. Caroline could see he was disappointed, but she didn't care, she wasn't here for him.

Once he left, Caroline could feel the lights dim. Now, she could see the audience more clearly. Seating herself on the bench, and scooting herself closer to the piano, she laid a finger on a key. Pressing down lightly to hear its tone. She then placed both hands in their proper positions, and prayed everything would go well. It came naturally to her then, as if those hours of practicing, of perfecting, were still engraved into her mind.

The melody echoed throughout the joint. It was soft and flowed evenly. Caroline smiled to herself, and now the words were coming, as easily as they had the first time.

Sweet love, sweet love, trapped in your love.

Caroline looked up for the first time since she had began, taking in the crowd. Many people were still looking at her, although the majority had their attention elsewhere.

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