Chapter 15

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Caroline felt like she had been lying in her bed for days, waiting for the ring to take her. Although it gave her time to plot. Most likely Mikael was the culprit; he had the only stake that could kill Klaus. So she needed to find him, and stop him before it was too late. There was only one thing that had her worried; what if the universe sent her to a time period after Klaus was killed? Then it was over, she was screwed, and so was the entire vampire race.

"Caroline," Caroline turned her head, watching her mom walk into the room; she was in her sheriff uniform, although her voice was tender. "Honey, you've been laying in bed for hours, what is going on?"

"Nothing," Caroline said, her voice was sharp. She just wanted to be alone; her mother was the last person she wanted to involve in this. Caroline noticed that with each trip, the in-between time, when she was in the present, got shorter and shorter. Which means that any moment she could disappear, and she didn't want her mom in the room when this happened.

"Caroline..." Her mom said, tilting her head to the side.

Caroline sighed, she knew she had to pull the teenage card; it was the only thing that got her mom to leave. Caroline closed her eyes, throwing her hands in front of her eyes.

"Mom, seriously, I just don't want-" Caroline began to say, but then she suddenly felt airborne. As if she were flying, and sure enough as Caroline opened her eyes, she was peering up into the night sky. She was moving slowly, drifting, as if she were in a dream.

"What in hell-" Caroline said; then she felt herself begin to fall.

Caroline looked down quickly, noticing that the ground was fast approaching. Caroline let out a scream as she saw that she was about to fall into a mass of trees.

The first tree she hit left a shooting pain in her left arm, at which Caroline let out another loud shriek. She then bounced onto another tree that lodged a piece of wood into her right leg. Caroline tried to grab onto something, anything, but the branches kept slipping in between her weak fingers. Caroline let out another yelp as she tumbled down onto a smaller tree; limb over limb, branch after branch she made her way down the tree violently until she hit the ground with a hard thud.

Caroline couldn't move, or breathe. The only thing her voice allowed was a soft whimper. She was sure she had broken her left arm, and there were more than a few cracked ribs. Caroline could also feel hot sticky blood seeping from her right leg, where a piece of wood had been, but was now torn off, leaving the wound open.

Caroline had been in her bed only moments before, and now she was in some forest, with multiple broken bones. Caroline was more than a little pissed at the destination. She groaned, trying to roll over, but it was no use, the pain was too excruciating, she had to bite on her tongue so she wouldn't scream again.

The second thing that came to her mind was that she was going to die. She was in the middle of nowhere, and she couldn't scream or call out without the pain taking over. Then she remembered once again that wherever she was, there was a chance that Klaus was somewhere near by, so biting her cheek and summoning up all her will, she called out to him.

"Klaus," She whispered, her voice was raspy, and she cringed at the pain.

She called his name again, only louder; although it came out more as a yelp, with his name somewhere in the mix.

She called his name two more times, before she couldn't anymore. She felt as if she were already dead, and with a slight push of her body she was able to roll over, although she couldn't help the two tears that escaped her eyes as she did so. She looked up at the night sky, the trees framing it perfectly. She wondered if this was how it all ended, if this was what she deserved. To die alone, amounting to nothing. She could feel her eyes closing, her mouth partly open, the lack of blood making her woozy, she considered giving up, but then she heard something move beside her.

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