Chapter 9

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Caroline opened her eyes, the sun blinding her momentarily as she peered through her window. She cringed, turning her head so that she now faced her closet.

She was in her room.

She kicked off the covers of her bed, and sat up, looking around her. She wondered if it had all been a dream, the kiss, everything. Then though, she looked down at her clothing. She was dressed in the gown she had remembered wearing that morning. So it hadn't been a dream, it had been real.

She touched her lips, remembering their interaction with Klaus'. She shook her head, laughing at herself. For some reason she didn't feel disgusted, or shameful; she felt kiddy and happy. She knew she shouldn't, it was wrong, it was very wrong. But that Klaus, the one she met in the past, wasn't the same one she knew now; to her, they were two completely different people.

Then realization donned on her, he'll remember.

Of course he would, he had to this time. He remembered her after nearly three centuries, from when she had met him in the 1500's to when she had met him in the 1800's. He must remember.

Caroline pushed herself off her bed, walking into her bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror; she couldn't help but wonder if anything changed, if he changed. So she washed her face, threw on something decent and headed downstairs, she had to see him, to see if he remembered.

Slinging her purse over her shoulder she began to open the front door, as she swung it open though, she came face to face with the shocked, yet apologetic face of Tyler, his fist out prepared to knock.

"Caroline," he said, barely a whisper. His eyes remained fixed on her as he lowered his hand. He seemed sad suddenly, as if he came to some realization.

"Tyler," Caroline said, her voice was low. She couldn't think about their relationship right now, with everything around her, it seemed too much to bear.

Tyler paused, still staring at Caroline, then jumping he said, "I'm sorry were you going somewhere?"

Caroline opened her mouth, there was no way she was telling him she was going to see Klaus, that would further his suspicions that she was falling for him. Which she wasn't, she might have fallen for 1500's/1800's him, but not current Klaus, ever.

"It's nothing," she ended up saying, nervously laughing it off. "Why are you here?"

"I want to apologize for what I said yesterday, I don't know why I said that." He said, shaking his head. "I know why he picked you."

Caroline looked at the concrete floor, she was still half way out her front door and halfway in, she knew she could either invite Tyler in to talk, or she could go see Klaus. Her heart and her brain were saying two completely different things, but she had always been known to follow her heart.

"I forgive you," she said, looking up at him. "But, can we talk about this another time?"

As if woken from a dream, Tyler shook his head quickly. "Um, yeah, of course. I'll call you tonight." He said, smiling at her.

Caroline nodded her head slowly, stepping down, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek; she felt Tyler hesitate.

"I'll see you later then." She said, and then she was walking down her driveway.

She knew that was awkward, beyond awkward, it was just yesterday they were making out on her bed, and now things felt different, weird. She got in her car; looking at her porch she saw that Tyler was gone. She wondered if he had felt the tension too, she assumed he did. Caroline felt that things were about to change between them, they already had. She turned the key in her car, sighing loudly, and prepared for the worst.

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