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Just because no one talks about it, it doesn't mean it's not real...

Rose's voice repeatedly echoes in my head as I walk to my next class.

Could she be right?

I think to myself stopping by the door as I'm about to reach the classroom.

There are just so many possibilities. Maybe the reason we don't talk about it is because we afraid of sounding like a crazy person, I know I can relate to that one, maybe we don't talk about it because we can't relate to each other, or maybe, there truly is no such thing.

Still, a big part of me wants to believe that soulmates are real, and that this mysterious guy is really out there somewhere. My heart tightens a little as I think about the idea, my hands tugging on the straps of my back pack as I resume my walk to class.

With a huff, I plop down on my sit by the window, resting my head on the palm of my hand as a million thoughts race through my mind.

Rose was supposed to tell me that I'm going crazy and that my dreams are just dreams, but instead she made me more curious.

Time seems to slow down as the lesson goes on, almost as if time is mocking me for wanting class to be over as soon as possible, unable to focus on a thing the professor says. Instead, my eyes watch as the clock hands move painfully slow, my fingers continuously tapping against the desk waiting for our dismissal.

Almost as soon as the bell rings, I stuff my stationary into my backpack and immediately rush to the library, finding a comfortable space in the corner so I can get to work.

My body is working in auto pilot as I take out my laptop and a few sticky notes to write on, ready to do my research on soulmates. But where do I even begin?
I wonder tilting my head to the side, my fingers hovering above the keyboard for a few seconds before I start typing.

I guess I should start by finding the exact definition of what a soulmate is...

First I open my browser and type in the word.


Clicking the pen, my eyes scan through the screen as the results pop up, reading the different answers that people have uploaded.

Most of the definitions refer to a person that you instantly have an unexplainable connection with, and any other quotes and books I find are mostly fiction, but none really explain much.

After hours of searching, I only have a few definitions written down and a list of movies and shows that might help.

With a defeated sigh, I let out a breath and opt to search for nearby coffee shops, hoping that maybe I'll find the one, but to my great disappointment none of them look like the one in my dreams.

Running my hands through my hair, I close my computer and put it back in my backpack.


A small rock bounces off the sidewalk as I absentmindedly kick it, trying to somehow let my frustration out.

It feels like I didn't make much progress today. How am I supposed to do this?
At the rate things are going, I think I'm probably going to go crazy before I figure it out.

As soon as I close the apartment door, I put my things in the floor and jump on the bed, screaming into the pillow, kicking my legs a few times before turning around and letting out a sigh.

Much better. I think to myself resting my head on my arm as I blankly stare at the ceiling trying to come up with ideas on what to do.

The sky outside slowly grows darker, and as each ray of light disappears from the sky, determination courses through my veins as I get ready to go to bed.

I'm going to find out who he is.

At first there is only darkness, the black void filled with the sound of my breathing as it matches my heartbeat, the sound slowly fading into the distance as a picture slowly starts forming, becoming clearer and clearer as I fall deeper into my sleep.

My lips curve into a smile as I find myself in the coffee shop but soon drops when a certain someone is nowhere to be seen.

Frowning, I slowly turn on my heel, scanning the area and his usual spot before I start making my way to the window by the table where I first saw him.

Is he not coming today? I think to myself and pause as realization hits me. If he's not here, why am I in the coffee shop?

My thoughts are interrupted when I see a familiar shadow out of the corner of my eye and my head snaps up to see him passing by.

Without realizing it, the door of the coffee shop closes with a 'ding' as my feet take me in the direction of the guy.

He places his hands on his pockets and looks up at the sky, not noticing me behind him.

Can he feel me following him?

By the time I know it, he is farther away, and almost at the end of the street. I open my mouth to call out to him but no words come out.

Come on. You can do this. It's now or never.

Taking a deep breath, I relax my shoulders and try again. "W-Wait!" I call out but he keeps walking, stopping when he reaches the bus stop.

My pace quickens when the bus passes by me and he looks up, getting ready to board.

I stop a few feet away from him to catch my breath, muttering "Who are you?" loud enough so he can hear me.

As he grabs the handle, he stops mid way, one leg on the bus and the other still on the street.

The corner of his full lips turns into a smile and he mutters, "if you want to find out follow me." With that he completely goes in.


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Original: 2019/02/~
Edited: 2019/08/18

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