Text 12

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It was 4 in the morning. Todoroki hadn't been able to fall asleep. He had been thinking about what Deku had said all night. "I like Kacchan". These three words kept repeating in his mind.

What should I do? I decided to help Midoriya so I'll do that but where should I start from? Maybe ask Bakugou how he feels about Midoriya then take it from there?

                      •Sho is online• Time: 7am

Sho: Hey 👋🏻 Bakugou!

Bakuhoe: WHaTs up halfie?

Sho: I have a question, may I ask?

Bakuhoe: you're already asking one.

Sho: Can I ask another question?

Bakuhoe: you're asking again.

Sho: Ughhh whatever!

Sho: How do you feel about Midoriya?

Bakuhoe: What tHe heLL! Why tf would you mention that nerd's name?

Sho: Just answer the question!

Bakuhoe: I don't feel anythin about him. Did that stupid nerd put you to this?

Sho: Bakugou, If he's a nerd, he can't be stupid. And no, he did not.

Bakuhoe: Don't aCt sMaRt wItH me!

Bakuhoe: and don't mention his name again.

Sho: Well I cant help it. Sometimes I would just have to since Midoriya and I are friends so I apologize beforehand.

Bakuhoe: Why the hell are YOU apologizing? You're way too nice for your own good.. stop doing that.

Sho: Stop doing what?

Bakuhoe: and you're also really dumb. Whatever. Get ready for school..I'll see you there.

Sho: Of course! See you later! 😅

Bakuhoe: You're such an idiot but that makes you look cute I guess. Bye for now.

Am I imagining things? This is real right? Right? Riiiights? He called me cute? Rightt? Oh.my.god! What the heck!! Do I reply? Do I just leave it there? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. First, I need to calm down! I'm supposed to be helping Midoriya not myself.

Sho: Yeah bye for now!

                         •Bakuhoe is offline•

Ahhh kill me now! I repeated what Bakugou said! I'm so awkward... ughhh

Okay first Midoriya.. Bakugou said he didn't feel anything about him so does that mean he doesn't even see him as a friend? Or what if he's hiding that he likes Midoriya? Ahh.. there's noway! He likes Kirishima or liked.. I don't know..

Whatever..I'll think later.. I need to get ready and head to school as soon as possible!

End of chapter •

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