Text 22

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Todoroki stood near the door in anticipation of Bakugou's arrival. He was confused. Why was Bakugou even coming here? To reject him face to face? No no that's just too much work. Isn't it better to reject someone through text?

He heard a knock which jolted him out of his thoughts. He quickly opened the door and was tackled down into a hug by Bakugou.

"B-bakugou.. what are you doing?" Todoroki was debating whether he should hug Bakugou back or just stay stiff like an awkward potato.

"Hugging you of course. You made me go through so many emotions today. Just let me stay like this for a minute before I confess."

Confess what? Todoroki thought.

Both of them stayed in the same position for a whole minute. Todoroki was internally freaking out. Like who wouldn't? You just confess and then your crush hugs you?

Then Bakugou let go and both of them sat straight.

"Soo Bakugou.. you said you were going to say something..?"

"I like you too. Wait.. let me rephrase that. Shoto, I love you. Will you go out with me?"

Am I hearing things? Did.. did he just say he likes me back..? O my god! This is not happening!! I mean I'm so happy it is!!

"Are you gonna make me wait or answer?" Bakugou said sounding impatient.

"Yes! Of course! I just.. can't believe you feel the same way."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"That's a good question. WHY do you like me?"

Bakugou thought for a while and then smiled.


It was a beautiful spring day. Cherry blossoms everywhere. The sky was really clear and blue. Bakugou was heading back home because his "friends" dragged him to see the Cherry blossoms. It's not like he didn't enjoy watching nature but he'd rather spend his day off at home with nothing and no one to disturb him.

As he was heading home, he saw a familiar figure. More like a head. Red and White. Bakugou recognized him instantly because icyhot was the only one with such a "unique" hair color.

Todoroki was sitting on a bench under a cherry blossom tree. He was alone and he seemed to be looking at the ground. Bakugou decided to mind his own business and started walking towards his house again.

But for some unknown reason, he wanted to find out what that icyhot was doing. Bakugou hid behind a tree and watched the other. (Not creepy at all~)

Bakugou moved a bit closer to the bench so he could see Todoroki's face and what he saw surprised him. The other was crying. Why? He wanted to ask but they weren't close enough to ask each other those questions. What astonished him even more was the fact that this icyhot could actually make a face different than his usually poker one.

Bakugou just simply smiled and left.


"Wait so you like me because you saw me crying and found out I have emotions?"

"Hahaha I know right. Then as time passed by, I started noticing your every move. It was like my eyes followed you everywhere. I soon realized I actually really like you and decided to do things that would make you pay attention to me."

"I don't know what to feel about this story. By the way, aren't you going to ask why I was crying?"

"Wasn't that in the past? I don't want to make you remember anything that'd make you cry." Bakugou said while caressing Todoroki's cheek. They stayed in that position for a while until Bakugou spoke again. "Your turn. Why do you like me?"

Todoroki did the same as Bakugou. He thought for a while and then smiled.

End of chapter ••

Todoroki's flashback story will be next chapter.

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