In The Dark || Colby

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He didn't know what to do. 

Colby had been walking the streets of California for at least an hour now. The argument with Sam had been replaying in his head over and over again. Sam had accused him of not understanding and Colby had called his bestfriend an asshole. 

Not that Colby thought he was wrong. 

It had taken everything for him to walk out of that room before he said something else. Something he regretted. He didn't know what he had done wrong, but he knew that it must have been bad. Gone were the days of him and Sam messing around and making videos and being able to just sit and laugh with each other. 

Colby had ended up in a secluded area that he and Sam had once explored. In a burst of anger and confusion, Colby grabbed a rock and threw it as far as he could, screaming, "WHY?" 

The only answer was the rock hitting something hard. 

Colby found a nice seat on a larger rock and watched the sun move through the sky. He didn't leave till well after it had set. 

=four hours later=

"Thanks for picking me up, Jake." 

Colby sat in his other friend's car, staring at the house he had bought with his roommates almost two years ago. 

"No problem," Jake glanced over to Colby, "but is everything ok? Corey told me about what happened in New York." 

Colby didn't want to tell Jake anything. But then again, he didn't want to be like Sam. "No, nothing's ok. Sam is flipping his shit and it's like the whole world has turned upside down." 

"Have you talked to him at all?" The two boys had known Jake since well before high school. He was their only other best friend. 

Colby rolled his eyes, his hands clenching into fists. "Trust me, I've tried. But he won't talk to me Jake. Sam has completely shut me out."

Colby wanted to cry. He had never been this far in the dark when it came to Sam. They had always told each other everything. 

Colby thanked Jake again before walking back into the house. He passed Sam's room, pausing for a moment to listen. There was no sound and so Colby kept walking. In his own room, he thought about the argument again, wondering if it was really even worth it. 

Sam had looked so sexy with his wet hair and clothes that stuck to his body because of the dampness of his skin. All Colby had wanted to do was kiss Sam and hold him. He could make him feel better than Katrina ever could. He would bite his neck and leave little bruises that had been formed out of pure passionate love. 

And then Sam had flipped his shit. 

But Colby missed his best friend already. With an exaggerated huff, the brunette headed back down the hallway and over to Sam's room. Without knocking, Colby opened the door and spotted Sam's sleeping figure under his blue and grey covers. 

Without hesitation, Colby slipped under the covers and curled his body around Sam's. Once in high school they had done this. Sam had been crying uncontrollably and Colby had slept with him throughout the whole night to comfort him. The next day, Sam had asked if Colby had ever liked another guy. Colby was so scared of losing his best friend and possibly crush, he had lied and told Sam he'd never be a faggot. Sam accepted the lie easily and Colby had tried to not let the word break him.

"Colby?" came Sam's weak and sleep voice. 

"Who else, Sammy?" Colby pulled the covers tight around them. 

"The fucking tooth fairy, I don't know." Sam rolled over to face Colby, his eyes only half open from the sleep. 

"Go to sleep, Sam. It's late." Colby squeezed his best friend's arm and forced a smile. 

"I'm sorry, Colby. I didn't mean to yell at you like that," Sam mumbled. Colby felt a little relief and without realizing, pulled Sam closer to him. 

"Shhhhhhh." Colby closed his eyes, sudden exhaustion washing over him. 

Sam fell quiet after that and soon his breathing became deep and rhythmed. Colby listened for a while, enjoying the closeness. He often dreamed of holding Sam like this. They could sleep together every night and he would make sure Sam always knew that he was safe in Colby's arms. 

"I love you, Sam," Colby whispered into the night, knowing Sam wouldn't hear him. He'd never know just how much Colby loved him.  

The only reply was Sam's soft snores.  

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