Just Another Day || Sam

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~1 year later~

Sam sighed, pressing the upload button and glancing over to where Colby sat. A soft smile played his lips and he gazed over his best friend. The sunlight had made Colby's hair look lighter today.

It was hard to believe that a year ago, Sam had thought he would never be able to see Colby again.

He would never admit that sometimes he still woke up in a cold sweat, the scars on his arms tingling and begging to be reopened. He wouldn't cause his roommates to worry like that again.

"What are you doing over there?" Sam came to sit next to Colby.

The brunette stayed silent, not noticing Sam had spoken.


"Hmm?" He finally shut his phone off and looked over to Sam. But Sam could see an emotion beneath the smile Colby was wearing. He couldn't place it, but he knew it wasn't good.

"I asked what you were up to." Sam said flatly.

Colby bit his bottom lip and sat up. "I was talking to Brennen."

Sam tensed at the name. The wild party animal called Brennen had met Colby at a party nine months ago. Ever since then, the brunette wasn't the same. He stayed out later and drank more. He was always hanging out with his new 'friend' and never had time for Sam.

Not that Sam wanted to bring Colby down....

"Oh," was all Sam said back.

"Did you upload the video?" Colby stood up and stretched. When Sam nodded, the brunette continued, "great, well I'm off to see Brennen. He's got a wicked party planned."

"Oh, uh, ok...." Sam scratched the back of his head and forced a smile. "Have fun, I guess."

"Thanks, bud!" Colby called back, already shutting the door behind him.

There was a time that Colby had invited Sam to Brennen's parties. But after so many no's, the brunette finally gave up. He had chalked it up to Sam just not being ready yet.

...and now he never asked at all.

"Did Colby just leave?" Corey came walking out of the kitchen. The sounds of his bare feet padding across the wooden floor echoed through the house.

"Yeah, he's gone to see Brennen again." Sam shut his laptop and stalked back up to his room.

~that night~

Sam was running. But he wasn't sure what from.

And his body hurt. He could feel a warm liquid running down his arms and dripping onto his moving legs. Behind him, something roared. Something terrible was closing in on him.

And then he tripped.

"Sam!" The blonde recognized that voice. It was a voice had loved once, long ago.

"Sam!" It called for him.

"Please! Please help me!" Sam cried back, his body going cold. Whatever was chasing him was now standing over his fallen body.

It's warm breath tingled his back and he screamed again.

Sam shot up, a soft cry escaping his lips. On instinct, Sam got up and crossed the hall, only to stop at the door way. Colby's room was empty.

The nightmare had started weeks ago. And after every single one, Sam had gone to sleep with Colby before he could think about it. And every time, Colby was gone.

"He's still at Brennen's." Sam jumped at the sound of Elton's voice. "He texted me and told he won't be home again tonight."

But he hadn't told Sam.

"I was just passing by," Sam lied before continuing to the stairs.

Elton nodded, but his frown remained. "You ok?"

"It's just hot in here." Sam wiped his forehead and forced a smile.

Again, Elton nodded but still frowned. "Just get some sleep, Sammy."

Sam nodded and continued down the stairs, listening to Elton as he closed his bedroom door. Opening his laptop, Sam got onto his Instagram.

The first picture was of Colby and Brennen, arms around each other and beer bottle in their hands. The caption read "love of my life" with a face and heart eyes. Sam knew it was a joke, but he couldn't help the funny feeling in his stomach. The jealousy that was rising seemed almost uncontrollable.

He scrolled some more, liking a few pictures of Katrina and Devyn and the other housemates. Six months after Sam had broken things off with Katrina, the girl had texted him and asked if they could still be friends. He had really enjoyed her company and so he agreed. Plus, Colby was starting to be distant and Sam needed to fill the alone time.

The blonde boy stared at his laptop until the sun began to rose. He stayed quiet as Colby stumbled into the house around eight in the morning and was asleep on the couch by ten, just as the first of the roommates was making their way into the kitchen.


Hey guys!!

So SAD FACE! We've gone from #8 in SOLBY to #10. I really really really need y'all to vote and comment and follow me ok!

Let's keep this dream alive! I write for y'all, but if no one wants to read then there no point in writing, feel me?

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