Granted || Sam

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Sam couldn't get the horrified scream out from his head. Not as he stood, staring at his pale figure in the mirror. He'd lost weight....

His mind couldn't stop flashing back to the moment he'd heard the flatline sound; the way his heart had dropped and his entire body auto-piloted. He had needed to get to Colby in that instant, as if somehow he could save him.

And in the midst of Sam's worst nightmares, Elton had screamed his name. The roommate had rushed in to save and protect him. At first, Sam had been sure it was Colby who called his name. It was always Colby who called his name.

That would never happen again.

"Sam?" Corey was standing at the doorway, watching the blonde study himself in the mirror.

"Is the casket open?" Sam looked over to Corey. Everyone had the same pale demeanor. Every one had been affected.

Corey hesitated before nodding. "But you can sit in the back where you don't have to see him."

Sam shook his head. "No. I need to see him."

He had taken those last few moments with Colby for granted. He had wasted his time and his love on such trivial things that he had missed the bigger picture. He had missed showing Colby how he felt.

"It's starting, you two." Elton appeared behind Corey. His giant sad eyes were red from previous crying. Everyone knew Elton blamed himself the most. He had distracted Colby in the drivers seat.

It didn't matter how many times the roommates had said that Elton wasn't at fault. The 27 year old still isolated himself.

Sam sat through the entire funeral, his eyes focused on Colby's still body. He could still feel the faint touch of the brunette's hand running through his hair late at night. He could feel Colby's lips against his in those stolen, fiery moments.

"Today we bury Colby Brock, a wonderful life that was too short...."


Sam looked around. Everyone sat motionless, their crying faces frozen.


He couldn't figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Sammy, wake up!"

The faces around his disintegrated as he slowly came to consciousness. He began to remember exactly what had happened....


Elton raced in, pulling Sam out of Colby's room. The two men watched, tears streaming down their face, as the nurses frantically tried to bring Colby back to life.

After what seemed like forever, the heart monitoring machine began to beep again. And not only was the beeping back, but so was Colby. His eyes were open and he was barely lifting his head.

"Sammy?" This time it really was Colby who called for him. The brunette's voice was barely a whisper, cracked and dry from weeks of not using it.

"Oh god!" Sam cried, rushing into the room. He pushed past nurses and the doctor as he gathered  Colby up in his arms.

"Don't you ever fucking die on me again!" Sam cried. "Don't you ever do that again!"

He had spent hours watching as Colby ate and then slept before eventually falling asleep himself.

"Elton, please tell me he's awake." Sam didn't want to open his eyes if Colby wasn't.

"I'm awake, Sammy." Colby's voice was still hoarse, but louder now. "I'm awake."

Sam looked over to Colby, tears in both boys eyes. "I had the worst dream. You had died and I...."

He wouldn't finish. Couldn't.

"It's ok, Sammy. Look, I'm awake now," Colby held his arms out wide, "and we are together."

"Please don't die like that ever again," Sam whispered. "I need to live a full life with you. One without regrets and anger and broken promises."

"I won't, Sam. I pinky promise." Colby grinned, throwing a fruit cup at Sam. "On a different note, they got fruit cups!"

Sam laughed, unable to control the happiness he felt.


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