A Dream || Colby

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"Elton! Stop!"

Colby was wiggling, the car swerving as Elton was tickling his side. Behind him, Corey and Jake were howling in the backseats.

"Come home more often and we won't torture you!" Elton laughed, poking into Colby's side over and over again.

"Elton! Stop it!" Colby's hands jerked, the car swerving. He looked over at Elton, glaring.


Colby had just enough time to look in front of him before a giant 18 wheeler slammed into the front of the car.

His last thought was of Sam and how he wished his best friend would just come home.


" Sammy?"

Colby was sitting on the couch watching a shirtless Sam stroll around the house. God, Sam was beautiful to him. His golden hair made a halo around his beautiful face. Sam really was an angel.

"Yes, Colbert?" Sam used his nickname for Colby as he turned around.

"I was wondering," Colby stretched his arms, "can I have a kiss before I get up? I need the energy."

Sam sighed, raising an eyebrow to Colby. "You are the biggest baby ever."

"I am not!" Colby pouted. "I just need energy."

Sam walked over, his bare feet padding against the hard wood floors. Lightly, he pressed a kiss against Colby's temple.

"I love you, Sammy."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Sam's voice had changed dramatically. It was disembodied now and faraway sounding.


"Why didn't you tell me before you died, Colby?" Sam was crying now. Colby looked down to see red running down his arms.

"Oh, it's not my blood," Sam laughed. "It's yours, Colby."

"Sam, stop!" Colby screamed. He tried pushing Sam away, but he couldn't move.

"You're not going to wake up, Colby. You're never going to wake up!" Sam grabbed Colby's face. His beautiful blue eyes had turned a painstaking red. His face twisted and twisted until it became Brennen's.

"Would you rather me like this, Colby?" It was still Sam's voice. "Would you rather I had been Brennen? You loved him more."

"No, I didn't, Sam!" Colby thrashed, trying to get himself off the couch.

"YOU LEFT ME, COLBY!" Sam - Brennen - screamed. "YOU LEFT ME AND NOW I HAVE TO DIE TOO!"

Colby felt tears run down his face as he jerked away, the trap house fading from around him. Then he saw Elton standing in the darkness.

"Elton, what's happening to me?" Colby whimpered.

"We're all here, Colby. We need you to wake up." Elton's voice sounded broken.


"Colby, please wake up," the voice sounded like Corey but it was coming from Elton.

"Is Sam there?" Colby tried to to step towards Elton but he still couldn't move.

"Colby, please wake up." The whisper was Sam's. "You're everything I have, Colby. I love you and I need you to come back."

Elton's eyes were glassy, as if he wasn't even there.

"Sammy, I'll come back to you. I promise I will."

Darkness and silence came as Colby felt himself slip away father and farther. Around him, his best friends kept speaking to him, waiting for an answer that may never come.


Ok, just to be clear, the italics are Colby's dream in his coma.

When Elton starts speaking, it's Colby being able to hear all the roommates and what they're saying to him. He just doesn't know it.

Also, three updates in a day!? I'm proud of myself y'all!!

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