Enough || Sam

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Sam couldn't explain his fight with Colby. He hadn't even intended to talk to him after he had found Colby's phone.

These days it seemed like Colby was getting farther and farther away. All he did was hang out with Brennen. It was Brennen this and Brennen that. Colby never had time for Sam anymore.

He put in his headphones and laid down on the garage couch. After what seemed like hours, Sam finally felt his stomach rumble and he walked back into the house.

"Sam, you ok?" Corey called from the living room.

"Fine," Sam called back. He grabbed an apple off the counter and went to go sit next to his roommate.

"What's going on between you and Colby?" Corey attempted to joke. "Honeymoon over already?"

Sam shouldered his roommate, forcing a chuckle. "All best friends fight right?"

"Yeah, that's true." Corey pushed Sam before jumping off the couch. "How about we film for my channel?"

Sourly, Sam remembered that was what he should have been doing with Colby. But he wasn't sure how he could say no to Corey. "Ok."

They filmed for hours before going back downstairs. When they did, there was Colby stumbling through the front door.

"Colby, man, you ok?" Corey asked, rushing to the brunette's side. Sam watched as Colby leaned against the wall, his head rolling around on his shoulders.

"I..I'm finnnnneeee," Colby hummed. He spotted Sam and smiled lazily. "I'll be even better with you in my bed, Sammy."

He's drunk, Sam realized. He felt a sudden spark of anger. The sun hadn't even set yet, and Brennen had gotten Colby wasted.

"Go sleep it off, Colby." Sam kept his voice tight.

"Why don't you like me anymore, Sammy?" Colby stumbled over to his bestfriend. "Why is there a stick shoved up your ass all of a sudden?"

Sam's cheeks flushed as Colby's hands landed on his shoulders. He couldn't stand seeing him like this. He hated Colby when he was drunk. The brunette got reckless and angry.

"Sleep. It. Off." Sam growled through his teeth. Colby stared into Sam's eyes, and for a moment it was like the world had slipped away.

"I wish you'd never have come home from Katrina's." Colby's voice was low and slurred. But Sam could see in his eyes he had meant it.

Everything buzzed around Sam as the world threatened to come crashing down. He felt the air leave his body and his head felt faint.

And then Brennen walked through the door.

Rage hit Sam like a wave and it enveloped every single particle in his body. He jerked away from Colby, watching as Brennen stumbled to his side. Sam noticed the flicker of energy between them. The energy that used to be between Sam and Colby.

"Since we're making wishes, I wish I never fucking met you," Sam spat out. "I wish we never got a house together and I wish you would never come home from your stupid parties!"

Colby's face stayed motionless as he watched Sam start to cry. The hot tears only swelled his hurt and rage.

"That is enough!" Corey shouted, stepping between the two.

But Sam wasn't done. "No, Corey, we all promised to be honest! Let's be fucking honest! I wish Colby wouldn't film with me anymore! I wish Colby would get so wasted he can't ever find his way home! I wish Colby would get the hell out of my life!"

"Fuck you, Sam!" Colby yelled. He pushed past Corey and shoved Sam into the counter. The unsuspected blow made Sam hit his head on the granite. Blackness danced at the edge of his vision and he wondered if he was going to pass out.

"Enough!" Corey was shouting as Colby kept trying to lunge at Sam.

There was roaring in Sam's ears. He stood and watched as Colby breathed heavily, his chest dramatically rising and falling.

And then he turned around and left.

There was nothing left at that house for Sam anymore. It was time to go.



I promise I'll be better. I had a hectic week. But I'm also working on putting out two more fanfics. One involves Sam and Colby again. The other is a Riverdale one. So follow me that way you'll know when they come out.

Also if you have a fanfic ideas I'll be happy to write them! Just let me know, y'all!

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