Evesdropping and Runners

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I couldn't sleep that night, the haunting of Ben kept me awake the whole night. I looked up at the ceiling from my hammock as Minho snored up a storm. The Teresa girl was special, I had a feeling it has to do with WCKD, but I don't know if I want to believe it. I had feelings on where the way out was but something told me I shouldn't speak up, not yet atleast, not to them.

Hello? I tried, I need to talk to someone.


Al! Where have you been? You haven't contacted me in weeks and I was beginning to worry!

Yeah. Yeah. I've been busy, Sonya has been helping me out. I smiled, Al told me a lot about the girls of his maze.

That's great. I'm with the boys currently. The bloody runner made me agree to staying the night and probably as long as we're here. I'm still a runner though.

I'm glad you're finally talking to them.

I don't trust them. Not long ago their first girl came up, she's in a coma.

The first boy came up a few days ago. Look we'll talk later but for now get some sleep.

Same goes to you, Al. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I awoke when I heard slight shuffling the next morning when dawn had barely been able to breath. I looked at Minho's alarm clock, he had a few minutes till he woke up. I quickly changed and followed the footsteps who I figured out belonged to Newt.

 I quickly changed and followed the footsteps who I figured out belonged to Newt

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He was bent over someone and tapping them, trying to wake them up. I stayed in the shadows and out of their sights. "Get up, ya lug," I heard Newt say to the boy.

"Yeah, good morning to you, too. What time is it?" So he was waking up Tommy, why though?

"Seven o'clock, Greenie," Newt said with a mocking tone. "Figured I'd let ya sleep in after such a rough couple days." Sleep in? Good grief, this was like sleeping in by at least three hours! People don't live in the maze for nothing.

Thomas rolled into a sitting position,"Sleep in? What are you guys, a bunch of farmers?" I wanted to laugh because he was so oblivious at times and I barely met them.

"Uh ... yeah, now that ya mention it." Newt plopped down beside Thomas and folded his legs up under himself. I crept closer and out of sight range and kept from stepping on someone's limbs. "Gonna put ya with the Track-hoes today, Greenie. See if that suits your fancy more than slicin' up bloody piggies and such." Oh boy, Newt was treating this guy like a baby.

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