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Ro's POV:

Pain filled my body and I couldn't help but groan at pain. Janson put me through so much torture and pain. I had no connection with Al, they took it away, I was alone and he didn't bother to help. I was alone and hurting more than words could imagine, my head was spinning even though I was sure I was laying down. "C1! Get off the ground and start training again!" The voice seemed to echo. Curiously I opened my eyes but I was standing alone on a platform in a dark void, a small dim light surrounding me. Something of a screen seemed to appear infront of me, it was a point of view and it was my own. I was stuck in my head, WCKD had taken over and there was no stopping them. No, they wanted the cure but if my head was mine then I was okay, they wouldn't know the answers that I held. I was almost a living computer, I was smart enough for that. WCKD had control and I couldn't stop it from taking over.

If I didn't fight my own head this would go down terribly.


Extremely sorry for lateness and extreme shortness. School has been keeping me busy.

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