Thomas Has An Idea

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Al's POV:

I had hidden the note in my pocket, if Thomas, Minho, or Newt found out I was dead. Newt would kill me, screw the rules, screw being second-in-command this was his baby sister and the fact that I ignored her cries for help made it worse. What could I have done? Go and scream while Grievers were out there? I was slightly crazy but I wasn't insane. I barely even recognized that Thomas had gotten Minho and Newt to let us out, "I'm not stupid!" Teresa suddenly shouted. "Al looks as if he's having an internal panic attack!" My head snapped in direction immediately at those words. "We can hear every word you morons are saying!"

"Is that true Al?" I heard Newt ask through the walls.

"Yeah," I said faintly.

"Let us out!" Teresa demanded.

"Real sweet girl you picked up, Tommy." I heard Newt say flippantly causing me to chuckle while Teresa gave me a playful glare.

"Just hurry," Thomas said. "I'm sure we have a lot to do before the Grievers come back tonight-if they don't come during the day." I heard Newt give a grunt before the jingle of keys filled the quiet air before a few clicks sounded and a bright light entered the dark room. Teresa walked out of the small building, glowering at Newt as she passed him. She gave a just-as-unpleasant glance toward Minho, then stopped to stand right next to Thomas.

I followed her out but stopped at Newt muttering a , "Thanks," before standing beside Minho. "All right, talk," Minho said. "What's so important?"

  Thomas looked at Teresa, wondering how to say whatever they were going to say. "What?" she said. "You talk-they obviously think I'm a serial killer."

"Well..." I trailed as she gave a cold glare but I blinked at her blankly. From what I have been given of my memories Ro had much worse, I shook my head. Thinking of Ro would make me feel worse.

"Yeah, you look so dangerous," Thomas muttered, but he turned his attention to Newt, Minho, and myself. "Okay, when Teresa was first coming out of her deep sleep, she had memories flashing through her mind. She, um"- he looked deep in thought for a moment. "she told me later that she remembers that the Maze is a code. That maybe instead of solving it to find a way out, it's trying to send us a message."

"A code?" Minho said disbelievingly giving both an insidious look, "How's it a code?"

Thomas just shook his head, "I don't know for sure-you're way more familiar with the Maps than I am. But I have a theory. That's why I was hoping you guys could remember some of them." Minho glanced at Newt, his eyebrows raised in question. Newt nodded.

I thought for a moment, going through a few memories before I stopped, "The maze is a code." All of them looked at me. "Teresa said it didn't she? Your thinking it. And I've studied maps in my time with the Creators, I thought nothing of it but it makes sense."

"What?" Thomas asked, fed up with us keeping information from him. "You guys keep acting like you have a secret. Al, has more than a few I bet but what about you two?"

Minho rubbed his eyes with both hands, took a deep breath. "We hid the Maps, Thomas."


Minho pointed at the Homestead. "We hid the freaking Maps in the weapons room, put dummies in their place. Because of Alby's warning. And because of the so-called Ending your girlfriend triggered."

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