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Tal: Adi what happened?!
Adi: She stabbed me on the shoulder.
Tal: Where are you?! I'm coming to get you.
*Adi gives the location.*
Tal: We are close to there.
Adi: Okay. *Holding his shoulder wincing in pain.*
Tal: I have a crazy lunatic fan who is crazy in love with me. And she got out of prison.
Lena: Is she the one that ran over your ex?
Tal: Yes.
Lena: Um what's going on? *Worried*
Tal: She stabbed Adi.
Lena: What?! Where Tai? Is she alright?!
Tal: She's with Nick Adi messaged saying he told Nick to go on without him.
Lena: She better stay away from us all.
Tal: I agree. There's Adi!
Lena: Stop the car now. *Opens the car door and gets out.*
Adi: She stabbed me and it hurts.
Lena: Get into the car.
Tal: I'll help you in.
Adi: Lena!
Lena: What?
Adi: Behind you!
*Lena gets hit.*
Adi & Tal: Lena!
A few hours later...
Doctor: She's going to be okay. She's lucky she wasn't hit hard.
Tal: Did they catch her?
Doctor: The officer said they are still looking.
Lena: What happened?
Tal: Lena baby your awake.
Lena: My body hurts.
Tal: You were hit by a car.
Lena: I wasn't on the street I was on the sidewalk.
Tal: She hit you with her car.
Adi: I tried pulling you and I pulled you away that not much damage was done.
Lena: Thank you Adi.
Police Officer: Adi Fishman?
Adi: Yes?
Police Officer: You are under arrest for the sexual assault on this woman. *Points at Lena*
Lena: What the heck he never did anything to me.
Tal: We were with him the whole time.
Adi: I wouldn't do that to any girl.
Police Officer: Tal Fishman's girlfriend stated his brother Adi Fishman assaulted her.
Lena: He doesn't have a girlfriend he has a wife. And no Adi didn't hurt me.
Police Officer: You are lucky kid that she is hiding it.
*Lena looks at Tal confused.*
Adi: I know who is saying this.
Lena: Who?
Adi: Lizzy.
Tal: What are you going to do?
Adi: I don't know, but for sure I'm gonna turn her in.
*Knock on the door*
Tal: Come in.
*Nick comes in with Tai.*
Nick: Are you okay Lena and Adi?
Adi: We're both fine.
Lena: We're doing great.
Nick: I brought your daughter.
Lena: My baby girl. *Hugs her.*
Tal: Guys wait out in the waiting room. Lena has to feed Tai.
*Guys leave.*

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