Chapter 12

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Im sorry that I've been gone for so long but i have updated this story and Stay With Me. A new story will be coming out within the next few weeks. 

I love you guys, I am so sorry, its a personal thing.



Niall and I used to make up people’s life stories. We would sit on a bench and look at the people passing, telling the other what was happening. I will always remember the first time Niall announced the game, we were 12, sitting at the park as a heavy blonde woman walked past. 


“It will be fun!” Niall grinned, pointing to the woman “That woman is married to a plumber, she’s a nurse and has one child named Clarice.” Niall announced as I chuckled and pointed to a thin boy with glasses.

“That boy lives in a studio apartment in Manchester. He is visiting his Great Aunt Sue for her 90th birthday and collects Mexican fighting fish. He has a roommate called Fred who enjoys sewing buttons onto dog pyjamas.” I giggled

“What?” Niall asked incredulously. “There are so many things wrong with that. First of all, Fred sound like a nutcase, someone should call the police on him. Secondly, its Japanese Fighting fish, not Mexican.”

“Well, he collects MEXICAN fighting fish.” I argued poking out my tongue.

“There is no such thing!” He replied.

“Do you want me to go and ask him?” I offered as he stood up in a huff and walked over to the man, tapping him on the shoulder as I tried to stifle my giggles.

“Excuse me sir, what breed of fish do you collect?” He asked seriously as the man looked at him like he was crazy before walking off without a word.

As Niall sat back down next to me, I couldn’t contain my laughter, he laughed along with me.

“I have to go. Mum wants me home soon.”  I told him, leaving with a wave.

“We should play this again.” He replied, walking in the opposite direction.

“Definitely.” I called out before turning and skipping home.


We used to play that game all the time. It had stopped recently, we hadn’t played it in months.

Maybe that was an early warning sign that Niall and I’s friendship was dying.

After another awkward week around Niall, not talking anywhere except at school, something very rare, I saw him at Harry’s on Friday night.

Harry’s parents had gone away for the night so about 50 of us took advantage of the open house and decided to get pissed.

He and Kymberleigh were standing on the far side of the room, opposite me and Lucy. They were smiling and laughing, getting cosy. I frowned as he pushed a piece of her dark hair behind her ear.

“Do you want some?” Lucy offered, breaking my train of thought as she pushed a blue drink, smelling distinctively like WKD, under my nose.

“Nah, Im good.” I replied, looking back to the couple to see him pressed up against her on a wall. His tongue in her mouth as her arms were wrapped around his neck.

My heart started beating faster and faster, an unfamiliar feeling settled in my stomach. What is wrong with me? I pressed a hand to my temple, trying to hold back tears from god knows where. Why was I reacting this way?

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