Chapter 1- The New Roommate

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Thomas P.O.V
   I woke up to the familiar feeling of a sharp pain of my wrist and a sad, hollow feeling in my heart.

"THOMAS THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN!!" My boyfriend, John, yelled. I got up instantly and ran to the bathroom where I noticed both John and I had bleeding wrists, the cuts appeared out of nowhere like someone was moving an invisible knife across them. Technically speaking, there was.

I just exhaled a deep breath of sorrow and washed me and Johns arms. When I finished I noticed he was shaking and when I looked at him, he was crying. "W-why? W-why won't th-they s-stop? I want to help them, I-I want to make them stop."

I pulled him into a hug telling him it would be ok, that they would stop. I picked up a magenta marker and he picked up a green one.

Put the sharp thing down.
The cutting stopped. But I felt a wave of sadness so strong, I started crying, I don't know why, these weren't my emotions but... it hurt.

Ok. You need to calm down, just count to ten over and over. Inhale on odd numbers, exhale on even. Give me proof.

A shaky handwriting appeared on my arm.

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.

I recognized it as French, although why my soulmate was speaking it, I didn't know.

I'm sorry, this affects you.. I. French, it calms me down. I know that I should just go and...

They didn't seem to want to write the next sentence.

K-kill myself, so you don't hurt. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so so so so sorry.

...What!? I could feel my entire body heat with anger. Kill themselves!? What led them to think... John gripped my shoulder, telling me to calm down.

Oh gosh, you're angry. I can feel it. I'm sorry. I know why, you're angry because I make you hurt right? I'll fix it, I'm sorry!

Shut up. Listen to me. You are amazing. You are loved. You are important. You deserve happiness. You do not deserve to die. Count. Calmez-vous. Je suis là. S'il vous plaît. Un. Deux. Trois (Calm down. I am here. Please. One. two. three.)

Four. Five. Six.

John joined in.

Seven. Eight. Nine


Thank you. Uh. I'm going to bed now. Thanks again.

  John got in bed and I followed, still thinking about our third part. John fell asleep instantly, but I was having trouble doing the same. Kill themselves. They were going to kill themselves.  Who made them get that mindset!? I was going to kill that person, they hurt my soulmate.

  Thinking about violence wasn't helping so I thought about my tattoos.
I smiled as I thought about the one on my spine, "SHOWTIME!" I had made  the mistake of asking Laurens what time it was when we first met. Before then I had wondered what it meant, and in what situation that was the first thing you said to someone.  The other tattoo was just above my heart, "I-I l-love you b-both" Ok. Blunt but cute, and was that a stutter I see? Nervous much? A second smile came to my lips, and I peacefully fell asleep.

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