Chapter 10- Back In The Storm

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  George Washington had a lead. A boy named Zachary Lee had said he knew where Alexander was being held. Upon further interrogation, he found that Zachery was working for the kidnapper. Against his will.

Zachery had risked his life to tell George and George made sure for fact that he would be safe.

He had gotten some officers, checked the property Zachery had given them. Going to stakeout the terrain. Men often went into the building, laughing about something, often carrying weapons or something of the sort.

What concered George the most, more than the weapons, or the laughing, was the muffled screams, often followed by a loud slap.

George knew he would have to storm the place. Completely break in. But, according to Zachary, there were a lot of employees.

So naturally he had gotten a lot of back up. About ten more cars showed up, each carrying two or three officers.

And two unexpected guests.


"They found Alex!"

John ran into the kitchen where Thomas was cooking. Well, not cooking, more like staring at the pot Alex had used to cook with and Thomas had been going to make food with but now it just seemed wrong.

The elder man's head snapped up, "What?" Unsure if he had heard John correctly, he set the pot down and listened closer.

"Alex! They found him! They're about to storm the house! We gotta- we gotta help! Gotta see Lex!"

Thomas shot up. He was usually the sensible one, leading John out of whatever mess he was about to jump into to. The one that held him back from fights. The one that knew better.

But this, this was too big of a deal. He didn't bother with his jacket, grabbing his keys and John's hand. John had been texted the address and Thomas drove, John's hands too shakey.

They were getting back Alex.



James Hamilton Senior knew they were coming before they even broke in, shouting at his employees to put thier hands up.

He just knew.

He ran up the stairs, cops focusing on his employees, weaker running, stronger pulling out their weapons. He couldn't help the pride that he felt; he had taught them that.

You may think that he was the most evil being in the world, but James had taken the most broken and helped them realize they were still of use. He had helped them grow as family, the stronger protecting the weak, the weak providing a shoulder to cry on.

He had created a family.

And now his son was tearing it apart.

He ran into the room he had put his son in, bursting the door open. His son- no. Alexander was no longer his son. Alexander jumped, face scared.

"Come on boy! Up!" And Alex jumped up, "S-sir?"

James grabbed Alexander by the collar, ignoring the squeak that came from the young boy's lips. He dragged Alexander to the stairs and shouted,

"STOP OR HE GETS SHOT!" He held a gun to Alexander's head and everyone could tell he wasn't bluffing.

Everyone stopped, the cops lowering their guns, not yet putting them away, but it was good enough for him. He looked at his 'family'.

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