Chapter 6- The Warning Signs

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Every storm has its warning signs. Wind blowing, sky darkening, the normal clear atmosphere suddenly rather tense and unsure.

I should have seen the warning signs.

But I didn't.


  It started at the library. A normal day, John had gotten me a Slushie. That was nice. I had finished the sunset on my arm, and was proud of it. So I decided to go to the library, to study.

  The first sign was the boy in blue. He was hanging around the exit, but never leaving. I should've noticed the way he glanced at me every now and then. I should've called the cops.

  I walked into the library thinking, 'Oh this is gonna be a normal day' ya know? And It's a Friday so I expect people to be there.

But nope.


The was the second sign.

So I sit down, I don't mind it really. I feel safe here, or I would be more suspicious. Any who, I sit down and read up on Law a little.

And nobody walks in. It's just me and the boy in blue, his hands in his pockets, his hair messy.

And I'm in there for hours, and nobody, not even a librarian walks in.

That was the third sign.

Because the boy was blocking the door.

It's then that my phone goes off and I'm a little annoyed because I told John and Thomas I'd be here, and how could I focus if I was fantasizing being their boyfriend?

So, Are you ready? For tonight?

Uh, sorry. I think you have the wrong number.

Whoops. Sorry...


That was the fourth sign.

Now by now, I was ready to go home. To go back to John and Thomas and the cozy dorm. But see, the guy in blue didn't look like he wanted to be bothered and he was right in front of the door, so I figured,

Ah, what the heck. I have an essay I can do while I wait.

But he took forever to leave!

Well, I'm sure I can take a quick nap.


Alex was at the library, Thomas was hanging out with a friend and me? I was bored.

Nothing good on YouTubbs

Nothing on Dottpad.

Nothing on Tweeter or anything else.

Aleeeeex are you done yet?


John: Alex?

John: Heeeellllooooo

Sry fell asleep @ library

Dnt wait 4 me. Ill b stayin a few more hrs

Okaaaaaaay fiiiiiiiiiine

XD maybe ill get u a treat or smth

John: Yay!

Kk, ttyl

See you later, Lex.

I sighed, pocketing my phone. Maybe I could watch a movie or something while I waited for them. I lay on the couch, eventually finding that my eyes were closing. I accepted sleep to cure my boredom.


"I'm tellin' ya, Jemmy! He's my soulmate!"

"Thomas, he's mute. And you have a tattoo"

"By choice! I've heard him laugh and groan and stuff!"

Jemmy James set his bowl down, pinching the bridge of his nose, like I was giving him a headache.

"I'll give you that, but you- how can you be so sure?"

"Because our hearts beat together."

Jemmy choked on the water he was drinking, leaving him coughing and red in the face, "Couldn't have mentioned that sooner, could you?"


James shook his head and I laughed, patting the small bean on the head.

This was fine.


I watched the other boy in the library, as I was told to do.

Strange. That's one word to describe him. The way he was constantly working, the way he was too polite to ask me to move.


Humanity isn't as hard-working or polite as him.

Not anymore.

Now the world is cruel and unfair.

But was it ever really fair?

Snapping out of my thoughts I saw the boy check his phone, a confused look on his face.

I watched him slave over an essay, working himself to a point if exhaustion.

I watched him glance at me, wanting to leave.

I watched him put his head on the desk, falling asleep.

My cue.


Storms always come with warning signs.

Tornados come with warning signs.



Humanity's specialty is ignoring them, whether metaphoric warnings or literal ones.

Think about it.

We should have seen so many things coming, and yet...

We didn't.

Humans let their guards down much too easily.

I never once don't have my guard up.

Sometimes I wish I had been better.

A better father.

A better husband.

A better brother.

A better son.

But, dispite being horrid at all of the above,

I was an excellent boss.

Prehaps that's why I left him. My 'genius' got in the way of family. If I had actually had an ounce of genius in me, I would've never left my family. I would've never left my sons. Or my wife.

I could have used thier smarts, so much better than my own. So much potential I just- threw away.

But that's okay.

I'm getting back what's mine.

And lucky for me, everything is how it should be,

With no one noticing the warning signs.


Heyo! Sorry for short chapters again. I know it's bothersome, but it'll be worth it. In my opinion at least. 882 words.

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