Chapter 12- Alive

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Update!! If you know what happens in this chapter please inform me-


Alexander hugged his mother tightly, crying tears of joy. "Mom, I missed you."

Rachael returned the hug, running her hands through his hair. "I missed you too, my lion. Your brothers have been waiting. As well as your cousin."

Rachael took him to his family, Alexander's eyes lighting up as he hugged them. His brothers. His mother. His cousin.

Why would he ever want to leave?

"Alexander..." his mother began gently, "You're not supposed to be here. You still have so much to do in life. Soulmates to love."

"But- Ma, I-" he glanced at the others, all of them nodding their heads sadly.

"She's right, Alex.."
"It's just.. not your time.."
"You'll see us soon! Just, not too soon."

Alexander looked back at his mother, tears streaming down his face again. These aren't ones of joy. His mother engulfs him in a hug, both crying silently. "You're so brave my lion. So, so, brave Alexandre. My Alexander, don't ever give up hope."

And then he woke up.

The first thing he noticed was pain. Dulled pain, he must be on pain medication, but pain nonetheless. The next thing that came back was sound, deep breathing from himself, from all around him, and the steady beat of a heart monitor.

He wasn't awake, he realized, not really. He was conscious, but his body was asleep. He couldn't blame it, he had gone through a lot in the past few days. His eyes stayed stubbornly shut, to his frustration, so he listened and felt.

Someone was holding his hand, someone was gripping his shirt. Deep breaths of sleep came from all around him, including some soft snores.

He wasn't hungry anymore, he realized. Someone must have treated his malnutrition. He exhaled shakily, and found he could move slightly. His eyes still refused to open, but he could barely move his fingers. The small action exhausted him, and he decided sleep would be nice.


Thomas awoke to a nurse checking up on Alexander. She looked calm enough, so he must be alright. He sat up a little, careful not to disturb John. He glanced around, finding the Schylurs and Maria were awake, playing on their phones. Samuel and Zachary had gone.

"They went to get breakfast for every one." Angelica explained, as Peggy nodded.

Thomas nodded, and looked at Laf and Herc. Laf was still asleep, Herc playing with his hair. He noticed that Burr and Theodosia had shown, reading a book together.

Thomas looked back at his soul mates.  John had tear tracks on his face, laying his head on the bed in which a slightly less pale Alexander lay.

Thomas sighed softly, looking at Alexander carefully. He still was holding the younger male's hand. He squeezed his hand gently.

And Alex squeezed back.

Thomas was shocked at the returned gesture, looking at Alex, scanning for a sign of consciousness.

And there it was.

The small twitch of his fingers, tapping lightly on the sheet. The way his ears twitched when Peggy sneezed  rather loudly.

Thomas smiled, rubbing circles into Alex's hand. Things were far from perfect, but at least Alex was turning at all right.

Waiting for either breakfast or John to wake up, whichever came first, he had plenty of time to think.

Alex had spoken to them, saying the words tattooed on his skin. The voice had been accented, a little hoarse. Okay- a lot hoarse. 

But he had said them.

He had trusted them enough to finally speak to them.

Thomas watched Alex closely and noticed that he was tapping a beat.  He smiled slightly, turning his attention back to the others. Peggy was sneezing into a tissue Maria had given her, Eliza and the others were eating- Oh! Zachery and Samuel had returned.

He ate, but he barely realized, so caught up with his own thoughts. 

Alex was alive.


John awoke to humming. Looking up he saw his love. 

"Alexander!" He sat up, hugging the giggling boy. John stopped, gripping Alex's hoodie. Hoodie. Not hospital gown.

"This isn't real is it? It's just.. in my head." He released Alex from the hug, ignoring the way it hurt his heart. 

Alex shrugged, and John looked around. They were in a flower field, the sun high above them, but it wasn't hot. The sound of crashing waves came from a distance and John picked a flower. He began to make a flower crown, sorrow clashing through his heart. 

"I think, Jackie, this is in your head." Alex turned to look at him, tilting his head to the side, "But that doesn't mean it isn't real." He hummed, laying down. "Does it?"

A wave of indescribable emotions washed over John. Sorrow, joy, love, and a million other feelings he was certain didn't have names. Well, Alex probably knew the names. Alex knew everything.

"Where's Thomas?" He asked, looking around for the magenta-clad man. Alex hummed in thought. "I suppose he's awake." 

John nodded. "Are you sure this isn't just a figment of my imagination?"

"If it is, I don't want you to wake up for a while." He held the freckled one's hand. "I missed you." 

"Is this a soulmate thing maybe? Being able to... be with you?" 

"It could be. I'm not too concerned at the moment. Funnily."

Silence overtook the two, but it was comfortable, both caught up with the other's presence. John closed his eyes, lying next to Alexander.

"..Hey Lexi?"


"Did you ever finish the Slushie I got you?"



Life felt right in the moment, even if deep down John knew it wouldn't stay this way forever. Perhaps this was reality and everything had been nothing but a bad dream. Maybe Thomas would come out and scold them for lying out here without sunscreen and maybe Thomas would give in and join them too. 

And John let himself think that, refused to believe otherwise. Deep down, the rational part was whispering, 

You know better. 

But John pretended not to.


This chapter feels really short and you guys deserve better but I'm tired and it's two in the morning and I want sleep and I promise next chapter will be longer  and make more sense. (Hi this is future Magic and the last thing I said is a lie) I don't remember writing most of this and I'll come back to this and wonder what in the world, when did I write a chapter and that's all. Love yourself, okay? You're doing pretty good for everything life throws at you. 

1092 Words. 

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