Chapter 7- The Rain Begins

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Thomas sat on the couch, arm around John.

But y'all wanna hear about Alex right?

That's right, as the narrator, I can see through the 4th wall easily.

So, to simply make you wait in suspense, let's go back to Thomas and John.

Thomas was wearing grey sweatpants and a magenta hoodie, lazing around on the couch. John was snuggled up next to him, wearing a turtleneck and a pair of jeans.

Both were waiting for Alex.

"Where is he?" John asked, looking at Thomas.

"That's the fifth time you asked, and this is going to be the fifth time I say I don't know." Thomas ran a hand through John's curls.

"He's been at the library since 5 in the morning ! And now it's 10 at night! He said he was coming back hours ago."

Thomas hesitated, wondering what to say to calm his distressed boyfriend. "Didn't you say he fell asleep at the library earlier?"

John nodded, a 'go on' look on his face.

"Soooo, maybe he fell asleep again! Or lost track of time. Any way, we should go check the library, see if he's there. And wake him up if we have to."

John nodded, kissing his boyfriend on his cheek. He slipped on some shoes and looked at Thomas, who was tying his own shoes.

"Ready?" Thomas asked, standing up.

"Let's go get Alex." John smiled, grabbing Thomas's hand.


Thomas tilted his head, confused, "What do you mean no one's been in here for hours?"

The librarian shook her head, "Sorry, I haven't seen anyone for a while."

John nodded and led Thomas away. Dispite what she had said, they went to check the tables and under them, just in case.

Nothing except Alex's phone.

"He musta left it..." Thomas muttered, a bit confused.

"He must be pretty tired if he forgot his phone." John stared at it, as though Alex was going to just suddenly call them.

He didn't of course.

Thomas's puzzled look grew as he checked Alex's notebook he had been writing his essay in. It had ended as it should, conclusion and everything. But a small line of pen ran across the side of the page, as if his hand was suddenly moved.

"John... let me see your phone.."

John tilted his head, but said nothing amd handed it over and watched ad Thomas scrolled through Alex's text to him.

"This... isn't right, hun." Thomas stated, looking at the phone intently.

"What do you mean?" John asked, staring over Thomas's shoulder to see.

Sry fell asleep @ library

Dnt wait 4 me ill b a few more hrs

XD maybe ill get u a treat or smth

Kk, ttyl

"Now, what is Alexander?" Thomas quizzed.

"Bisexual?" John was confused, was he missing something?

"John!" Thomas pinched the bridge of his nose. "A Non-Stop.."

"Grammer Nerd!" John looked back at the phone.

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