The Angel's Demonic Love~

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The way I describe things isn't the best unless I use full details, but then I'd be sitting here all night and ain't nobody got time fo that! So please bear with me cuz it's going to be a choppy description/ preview......

Lucy Heartfillia ~ Age: 19, Birthday: July 1st, Species: Angel and Werewolf hybrid, Social status: Royalty/Warrior, Relationship status: In secret relationship with Natsu Dragneel.
Natsu Dragneel~ Age: 20, Birthday: July 7th, Species: Demon and Dragon hybrid, Social status: Royalty/Warrior, Relationship status: In secret relationship with Lucy Heartfillia.

Lucy and Natsu have been best friends sense they were 5yrs old, they only started dating when Lucy had turned 16. Sense then they've been seeing each other in secret. Why you ask? Well it's because Angels and Demons being together is against the law. And if this law is broken it results in a punishment that any species would try to avoid... Exile.... leaving us in present time in the woods.....
(Author~Chan's note: I'm going to write a scene from the story without a big explanation on why she's telling/remembering a short part of her story)
Lucy's POV: I was hiding in the woods by our usual meeting place, I couldn't wait to see Natsu again! We see each other on Friday every week but still, i miss him when he's not by my side... I stood there patiently waiting for my boyfriend, "He's late" *I chuckled*... then I heard a twig snap, he's here... "About time you showed" Natsu: "Sorry I'm late"... "Story of your life".. *I replied with a chuckle* Natsu: "I brought something tho~" "ohh~ and what might that be?" He showed me a picnic basket, "Awww.... how sweet.." Natsu: "Dose this make up for my being late?" "I guess... it's a start.." Natsu: "Good enough.." "So you said you wanted to take me somewhere~?" Natsu: "Yep, but you'll have to wait for your surprise till we get there.." he smiled his usual toothy grin... We walked for about 5mins then came to a large body of water, at the shore was a row boat without any paddles.. And in the blink of an eye Natsu swept me into his arm bridal style...And as usual I let out a small yelp from the surprise..He chuckled as i pouted and set me down in the boat, " Where are we going? And without paddles?" I questioned.. Natsu: *sigh* "It's a surprise..and we don't need paddles." He walked into the water beginning to push the boat. "Isn't it cold?" I grew a bit worried.. Natsu: "I'm fine, just sit back and relax.." I calmed down and did as his asked, soon we hit shore and Natsu walked out of the water and picked me up again. I began to glow and dry him as he walked with me in his arms and the basket in hand, he stopped in front of a large cherry blossom tree with rainbow colored petals.. It was Beautiful..he set me down again and unpacked the basket, all of our favorite foods came out one by one... once we finished eating and talking Natsu pulled me onto his lap, and of course I blushed. But I didn't mind.. he pulled out a small box from the basket and handed it to me, I smiled and kissed his cheek. I opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace... it was a heart with angel wings, horns, and a tail.. I loved it..

 I loved it

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"I love it.. and you.." Natsu: "I knew you'd love it, and I love you too" we kissed. He put the necklace on me, and kissed me again..we rested our foreheads against each other's... Everything was perfect.....until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.... my eyes widened with fear... we turned to see the Celestial Spirit King, and Mard Geer... the rulers over our separate species..."It's time to go Lucy" my king spoke... but I didn't want to leave Natsu, not now not ever! It's always more fun when we're together...tears began to weld up in my eyes, a single tear fell and Natsu began to growl....Natsu: IT'S NOT FAIR! WHY CAN'T WE BE TOGETHER!?! he yelled... they sighed.. I held his arm tightly, as if letting go ment life or death.... but that was a possibility.... "We will give you two a minute to say goodbye" they said in unison... we turned towards each other, "It'll be ok..right?" Natsu: "Of course... we'll just have to find each other after exile..." "promise me something Luce?" "Anything" I said... Natsu:"I've heard of this place called Fairy Tail.. it's a guild for all different types of mage's, promise me that you'll wait for me there?" "I promise...I love you.." I said.. "I love you too Luce..." suddenly I was inside a giant bubble...I pounded on the wall to attempt to free myself, only to have failed miserably... soon I was back at the castle awaiting my punishment for breaking the outrageous law.... I was placed in a cell, the king came up to the bars. I sat on the bed not moving, he slipped a voice recorder through the bars. I picked it up to examine it, " What's this for?" I spat harshly. He may have been my friend, my king... but none of that mattered to me now.... King: "If you say that you were under the demons control you might be able to avoid exile" I turned the recorder on... " I, Lucy Heartfillia. Love Natsu Dragneel with all my heart. I am not under any spell, I choose to love him, and he chose to love me.." "I would Never betray him.." I turned the recorder off and handed it back to its owner....king: "I'm sorry to have to do this, old friend"..... he sighed.. a magic circle appeared around my feet, I spread my wings out and lifted my head with pride....exile didn't frighten me anymore...(author~Chan forgot to mention one of her wing is black and the other is white) king: "Good bye old friend, you will be missed dearly..." "Goodbye StashFace" I chuckled, and so did he... And with a flash of light and wind, I find myself in a beautiful clearing near a spring....I was alone for a moment, but then I saw a bright light... and there appeared one of my closest friends.. Virgo... I smiled and tears began to run down my face.. I ran and hugged her and she hugged back, she looked at my wings with shock... I looked myself, my one white wing had turned black to match the other, the price for exile.... i told Virgo about what happened, she and all of my spirits knew about me and Natsu... she advised me to sing and release my pain... so I sang the song I wrote when I lost my mother....

After I finished my song I heard a twig snap, someone had been listening.. Virgo disappeared, I quickly wiped my tears, stood up and drew my best sword.. "WHOS THERE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs...4 women walked out of the trees with their hands up to show they meant no harm, I repeated myself "Who are you?".... The Red head began to speak, "My name is Erza Scarlet"..they lowered their arms, "and these are my friends"... the tall bluenett began to speak, "My name is Juvia Loxar, this is Levy McGarden", she pointed to a short light haired bluenett, "And I'm Wendy!" Another bluenett spoke... "My name is Lucy Heartfillia"... Erza: "why are you in the woods?" I avoided eye contact, "I'd rather not say".. Wendy: "Are you an angel or a werewolf?" "I'm both.." Wendy: "WOW!" I chuckled at her response.... "can you help me?" I asked... Levy: "Well what do you need help with?" "I'm trying to find a place called Fairy Tail"... Juvia: "Why are you looking for Fairy Tail?" "It's personal" I stated... Levy: We're heading to Fairy Tail now would you like to join us?" "Thank you" I smiled... Wendy: "Maybe you should hide your wings, we don't know how others we'll react about them".... "Alright..." I began to glow and hid my wings... "And what about my ears and tail?" Erza: "You should be fine we've seen other werewolves before... Soon after about a 10 minute walk we stopped in front of a large building with a sign that said "Fairy Tail".... Juvia: "We're here!" I smiled and began to whisper.... "I'm here Natsu... don't worry..I'll wait for you...."

Author~Chan: Hey everyone this is the longest description I've written yet so.... YAY! so how do you like my preview? Pls comment your opinions and any recommendations or request... now.. till next time! And Cya later my lil' Knights! ⚔️

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