🌟🔥⚔️The Dragon and the Knight⚔️🔥🌟

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Erza's POV.
It was late into the night, most likely around 11? Maybe later, I'm not really sure. I was tired, and slightly injured from a job. But sense this one was pretty far into the mountains there are no motels or anywhere to stay. Then I saw a cave. The entrance was covered by vines with beautiful luminescent flowers, and some crystals. I was so enraptured by the gorgeous entrance, I had payed no mind to the signs out front, warning me of danger.

I slowly walked in, it was dark but as I walked further into the cave more crystals and flowers lit up my path. There were many rooms inside the cave. One had a very large pond inside. Another was full of books and cushions everywhere. Another had an extremely large stash of gold, jewels, gems, and anything highly valuable, but that's all I could see through the keyhole. I wonder if the being living here is a thief?

I saw a bath and bedroom that was quite large, maybe more than one person lives here? But there's no one around. A very nice and clean kitchen was found, fully stocked as well, someone had to be living here. A room filled with instruments and equipment for recording music. Connected to a dance and art studio. Paintings all over one half of the room, and on the walls. On the other half was a wall of mirrors and a railing. There were two supply closets, I didn't need to inspect those, it was quite obvious what would be found inside.

But what kind of person or people would need all these rooms inside a cave!? I was nearing the end of the cave when I saw something shine in the dim lights, as I got closer I could hear loud yet soft...breathing? Then I saw it, a Dragon. Sleeping in a very large nest, a smaller one beside it, snuggling up to the larger one.

I saw the large one stir, I should've ran. But I couldn't, I was hurt, and enchanted by the beauty of these creatures. So much that I hadn't noticed the large tail snake around my waist. I winced at the pain, soon in a firm yet general grip. I was lifted up and brought close to the dragons side, right next to the hatchling. The dragon used its wing to cover me and it's child like a blanket.

I wasn't sure why, but I felt...safe. I was drifting off to sleep, hopefully this thing doesn't kill me when I wake up. The hatchling sniffed the air, then snuggled closer to me, purring as I weakly pet the top of its head. Then I let myself slip into the warm comfort of sleep.
~Time skip to morning~
I woke up with only the hatchling next to me, it's head laying on my bust. "Hello there~" I cooed to the little dragon. It seems to wake up almost instantly, it's eyes inspected my face then smiled, giving me a full view of her fangs and small yet sharp teeth. It had sky blue eyes, pure white teeth, white and blue scales around the face, and feathers, lots of feathers. It also had small smooth white horns. It nudged my cheek a little with its mussel, careful not to hurt me I'm guessing. I slowly sat up feeling very minimal pain in my side, strange. I, didn't feel any of the pain from my injuries.

With a quick inspection I noticed that all my injuries were healed, the only one that slightly lingered was the gash from my side. Now it was only a light scar that might heal with time. I looked at the little dragon who wagged her tail like a happy puppy. After looking her over a few times and deciding that she was indeed female, I asked her a question.

"Did-did you heal me?" I asked, not sure if she could respond or not. "Yup! Let me know if anything still hurts, but for now it's time for breakfast! Let's go!" She said excitedly. "Alright" I said, she flew me down from the nest and walked beside me down a path, still leading the way. She was at my waist yet I could tell by her voice she was still very young.

Soon we came to a hall that looked familiar, perhaps one of the paths I found the other day. Then I was stopped by a small leg in front of my shin. "Shh, my momma's singing and cooking. The last time I scared her while she was cooking there were pancakes soo close to hitting the ceiling!" She whispered. I nodded understanding, lightly chuckling. As we got closer I heard soft humming. The as we reached the doorway I saw a dragon like creature? It looked like a dragon, but almost like a human.

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