Calming her chaos..

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This preview takes place around the nirvana ark where we meet the worlds favorite dragon slayer! Wendy! And if she isn't your favorite dragon slayer? I don't care!
3rd POV.
The teams from each guild were calmly standing around in the meeting hall, talking and getting to know each other. Well, all but a few... the members from Blue Pegasus were beat up in a corner, while Natsu and Lucy were relaxing on the couch. Lucy seeming asleep in Natsu's hold while she sat on his lap. In actuality she was listening to the area around her, from the conversations to the very way the wind moved.

During this process she heard something running towards the building, she could tell it was a child. She stood and made her way towards the doors spiking the interest of the others. "What's wrong chaos?" Gray asked. She only growled, that action was enough to tell them to back off. Little did they know that Natsu understood her, she spoke in a way that only Animals, Dragons and Slayers could hear her.

Natsu's POV.
We were just relaxing, waiting on the last guild to join the team so we could get started with our battle strategy. Then Luce stood up outta nowhere and started walking to the doors. Then I heard it, running footsteps and someone panting. "What's wrong chaos?" Gray asked, god we can't stand him. She only growled at him and I had to hold in a laugh. 'None of your business striper' she said. And stood by the door, seemed like she was waiting for something?

Soon a little girl ran in, and no more than a minute later she tripped and Luce caught her before she hit the ground. She stood the girl upright and fixed her dress which was slightly wrinkled. She patted her head and softly growled to her. I guess she didn't want the others to hear.

Wendy's POV.
After the nice lady caught me before I could fall, she stood me up, smoothed out my dress, and patted my head. Then she kneeled down and started to question me, "Are you alright child?" She reminded me a bit of Carla from the way she spoke. "Yes I'm alright miss, thank you for catching me." I told her while smiling. "It was no trouble, now. Tell me why you we're running, and who you are?" She asked, "My name is Wendy, I was running because I didn't want to be late for the meeting here, I'm from Cait shelter." I explained.

" I see, then let me warn you little slayer." She sounded serious now, "warn me about what?" I whispered. "Be careful of who you trust here, I only trust you, the pink haired man, and the blue cat. The others will try to pin you against your comrades, do not believe everything they say. They aren't terrible people, but still be cautious." I was a bit worried now, "I understand, may I stay with you and you're friends?" I whispered to her, "of course Wendy". Was her reply, soon the doors opened again and I turned to see Carla.

"Carla? What are you doing here?" I asked my best friend. "Making sure you stay safe, i don't want these ruffians ruining your innocence. However... I do trust this one in front of you." She said, the lady nodded in approval of Carla's words. Without another word the lady picked Carla and me up, and began to carry us to a couch where a pink haired man and a blue cat sat. She gently placed Carla down on the cushion, but had me on her lap while she sat next to the pink man.

"Umm, excuse me miss?" She turned her attention from stroking my hair to listen to what I had to say, "yes child?" She replied. "I never got your name"I told her. "My apologies, my name is Lucy, Lucy Apocalypse. And I bet you're curious about how I know that your a dragon slayer? She asked me, "Yes, if you don't mind telling that is.." I said sheepishly. " I know because I'm also a Dragon slayer, and a Celestial mage." She explained, I was shocked. "Really?! What kind? I've never met another person with the same magic as me!" I said excitedly. The people around us seemed even more shocked than me.

"You're also a Dragon slayer ms?" This tall bald man said and I nodded. Then Ms Lucy brought me closer to her and growled out a threat and insult to him. "Back off potato head!" I giggled at her name for him. "But to answer your question Wendy, I know all types of Dragon slaying." She said, "wait does that mean you can use sky dragon slaying too? Do you know any other Slayers?" I needed to know! "Of course, but I only know one other Slayer. My fiancé." "Huh? What's a fi-an-say?" I was a bit confused. "Is that in another language?" She softly chuckled and started petting my head again , "Yes actually, it originated from French. It means we are soon to be married." Wow, she must be really happy! "Congrats! Who is it?" I asked her, "The man next to us, his name is Natsu Dragneel."

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