Chapter 1: A Captain

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Eren's POV

It's been a while since I met the so called "Humanity's strongest". He's great. A bit strict and cold, but great. Two words to describe Levi: Best Captain.

Although I am not really handpicked by him, it's still an honor to be in hs squad. Sadly, his old squad mates died at the female titan's attack...

It was sad for me too but I know it created a bigger impact on him. He lost too many...

Too many...

But through that pain, I see him fight bravely. He's strong. Not only through fighting but for his emotions too.


Today, Captain Levi called us out for a mission... A mission that's same as always.

Going outside the walls.

It kind of bores me but seeing Mikasa and the others with me, I plan to stick along.

I put my uniform on and walked towards them who were untying the horses.

"You seem like you just got out of bed Eren.", Jean began.

"Well I've been up for long last night.", I replied.

"Oh? Probably having nightmares of titans."

Before I can say something in defense, Mikasa pushed Jean hard that he fell to the ground.

"Was he bothering you Eren?", Mikasa asked.

"I can do that myself! But yeah... He is kind of bothering me.", I replied.

"Quit your babbling and get on your horses.", I heard Levi proclaim.

"Yes sir!", the rest of the group members answered.

I hop on the horse and took a deep breath. The horse started walking as I follow Captain Levi's.

It's been a while since our last outside mission. The wind felt nice.

Levi's POV

I looked behind me and saw them talking. 

"Shut up you idiots.", I said.

"Hey! You're talking about Eren not me!", said Jean.

"Shut up!", Eren replied.

"You're all idiots okay?!", I proclaimed and they went silent.

I can still hear Jean and Eren arguing quietly. I sighed.

We saw titans up ahead.

"You guys ready?", I asked them.

"Yes sir!", they replied.

All of us glide at the air like a ton of birds. Titans fell one by one as we slashed their napes off.

Eren's POV

I stood on top of one of the titans. It felt great to be able to kill one once again. The only time I can kill that many titans is when I'm at titan form. 

"Suicidal bastard come back here!", I heard Levi called.

I hurriedly ran towards them. "Sorry.", I said. I hop on my horse and followed them who were already at a distance. 

"Don't be too confident bastard.", Levi said.

I nodded. I fell into silence.

"Eren?", started Mikasa. "Are you okay Eren?"

"Tch quit treating me like your little brother! I am not.", I replied.

"But Eren--"


Just then I saw Captain Levi halted hia horse. "Turn back...", he said.

"Why sir?", Jean asked.

"Erwin commanded us so. Let's go.", he replied, turning the horse at the opposite direction.

Before I made a turn, I saw dozens of flare signals in the sky. It seems like it was their bad luck to run into a swarm of abnormals.

"Are you coming or going to be titan food Jeager?!", Levi shouted from a distance.

"C-coming sir!", I exclaimed and followed them far behind.

"Too bad we have to stop the mission just because of those darn abnormals.", Jean said.

"Why?! You wanna be titan food Jean?!", I said.

"Me? Titan food? I ain't afraid of no tita---", his reply got cut when he saw a titan infront of us.

"Ahh!!!", Jean shouted.

Levi suddenly appeared behind it and cut its nape off.

"Next time, pay attention at the road.", Levi said.

We nodded and I whispered to Jean, "Scared".


We reached the walls and the other scouts were following from behind.

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