Chapter Two- They are still on?!

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" Why won't you just shut up!"Kelsie yelled in anger.

" Your name doesn't fit well with Irwin," I said calmly, just to increase the anger from her.

" How could you say that?! I'm pretty, you're not and they like pretty girls." WHOA! Now that was good.

''Yeah, you're right.  I'm not pretty, but I am 5SOS' soon-to-be wife." Yeah, this one will make her more pissed off.

" You don't even know anything about them or their names" She said while grabbing the closest thing to her - pengiun stuffy- and threw it at me. I thought she was suppose to love penguins.

 " I do so! It's Asher, Lucas, Caelum, and Michelle."  I said in victory, I knew that wasn't their names, but that's the first that came up in my mind because I had no idea what their names are.

" Are you seriously kidding me? Lucas and Caelum are pretty close, but Michelle and Asher? I now hate everyone who is named Asher and Michelle,"  Venom was heard in her voice as the names slipped out of her mouth.

" Oh. So you mean that you would hate your own neice and nephew because I named them Asher and Michelle? How could you?!" I fake sobbed.

"Have you seriously decided how many child you are going to have?"  My sister asked with humor and venom, which I still don't know why. 

" Well, I want a boy and a girl so twins. I am going to name them Asher and Michelle and have their last names changed into Clifford. Or instead of Asher, it will be Jason so It's like Ashton Irwin except Jason Irwin.  Wait, no, I think the girl's name will be Eliza Hemmings or Hood.  No, I change my mind. I want four girls. Ashley, Michelle, Caely, and Lucy Hemmings-Clifford-Hood-Irwin-Rayers. Yeah, that's it"  I said unsure at first but finally made my mind at the end.

I looked at her to see her reaction and her ears were blowing out steam.  I think this was the best one I've had in weeks. 

I'm proud of you, Kenz. Wait, I've got one more.

 I approached her  slowly with my arms up for defence because this last one will definately make her violent, or not. 

" Kelsie," I paused for effects," Why don't you just simmer down!"

She stomped out of my room and slammed the door. After that, I jumped onto my bed and laughed at our little, but fun scene. I stopped after, because I though Iheard other voices laughing.  I was right. There were other people laughing with me and the voices sounded like guys.

Oh my god! Please don't let it be them! Not them again!!!!

I walked slowly to my laptop terrified of who might be still there. I looked at my desktop and then down to my toolbar because I might have minimized it instead.  There were four programs down there.

My Windows Start, Windows Media Player, Mozilla Firefox, and Hangouts.  I opened up hangouts and I saw my lists of people but I also met four guys too, who I've seemed to caught at unexpectedly depending on the faces they had on .

I screamed at first, but then ended up laughing without control. I swear, I think I'm bipolar.   

Once I stopped laughing, I asked," So I bet you guys saw that whole thing," I laughed awkwardly,      " Weird, right? So how about we just forget it all and have a happy day?"

The guy with the brown hair and brown eyes said," Um. No way! That was really funny. We even recorded it all!" And they all took out their phones and showed me their screens.

" Ok, Fine whatever, guy with the brown hair and brown eyes." I said while I crossed my arms. I seriously need to know their names. I'm burning much more calories than just saying their names.

They looked confusedly at me so I elaborated it, " I don't know you names so you are going to have to teach me because I don't want to burn anymore calories by saying what I remember about you each time. OK?" I rolled my eyes at the end while I said it all slowly so they would understand. 

 The guys with two hair colors started first, " My name is Michael. Michael Clifford. Clifford is my last name. One of the names you want your children to have." Everything was said slowly. What am I? Stupid?

" Well, Michael. My name is Mackenzie. Mackenzie Rayers, but you can call me Kenzie or Kenz.  Rayers is my last name.  The last name that I have," I said in mockery. 

The next guy that went after me was the brown eyed and brown haired," My name is Calum. Ca-lum, not Cay-lum. Though it was pretty close and nice to meet you, Kenz." 

I smiled back and the guy with the dirty blonde hair went," Hey, My name is Ashton Irwin, not Asher.  Jason is also a nice name to Irwin." 

" Can I just call you Asher? Well, it doesn't really matter if you don't want me to because I will still call you Asher." 

Ashton crossed his arms and the last guy started,"  My name is Luke and my last names is Hemmings. Can I have your pengiun?" And he pointed at the stuffy on my bed.

I went to grab my stuffy and said, " I would say, 'it's nice to meet you all' but then I'd be lying because as you might have already figured out,  I don't like you all,"

" Well, then. I guess it's our mission to make you like us." Said Michael? He's the guy with two hair colors, right?

" Ok, fine. Entertain me and all crap because there is nothing productive that I can think of or do at the moment. And you're Michael, right?"  

He nodded and the entertainment began...................


Hey, guys. Since I uploaded this a day after the last chapter. I'm just going to take a couple weeks off this story.

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