Learning More About Harry... Part 2

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Daisy is 12 years old.

Harry is 4 years old.

Izzy is 13 years old.


"Because he is a wizard, alright?!"

Daisy almost burst out laughing. Almost. The one thing that stopped her was how serious her parents looked. They surely didn't think she was going to believe them, right?This was the best excuse her parents came up with? She was twelve, not two. 

Daisy rolled her eyes. 'Of course, her parents would go to such extreme lengths to keep everything a secret.'

She scoffed and said, "Yeah,right. And lemme guess, Dudley secretly has a pig tail or something. Honestly!"

Her mother sighed and looked at her father who's eyes were wide in shock.

'Why does he look so surprised?'

"Petunia!" her father shouted. "I can't believe you would tell her after everything we did to keep it a secret."

Her mother looked at him tiredly, "It might not even happen to him! If we just keep him as normal as we are, maybe the magic would just leave him!"

Her father continued to grumble and mumble under his breath as he flopped down on the living room couch.

'Magic?' Daisy gulped, it seemed as if her parents were serious but they couldn't be...could they?

Her mother sighed and kneeled down in front of Daisy. "I know this all sounds crazy-like we're making this up. But, it's true."

Daisy's eyes widened and she shook her head, "What do you mean it's real?"

Petunia closed her eyes for a second, "We mean that magic is real."

"I..." Daisy did not know what to say. "How does any of this relate to Harry?"

Petunia gulped and her father angrily got up from the couch and stormed out. It seemed as if this was a conversation that he would rather not be apart of.

"Because... Because," her mother struggled to find the right words to say.

Daisy sighed in annoyance, couldn't they just spit it out already The suspense was killing her and she had a feeling she knew what was going on.

"Harry's parents-"

"You mean, Aunt Lilly and Uncle James?" Daisy rose an eyebrow. "You hardly ever talk about them."

"Yes, well, you see, it's because of a very important reason-"

"What reason could be so important that you basically neglect your own nephew?!"

"Because he's parents weren't normal like us, Daisy! They were wizards!"

Petunia kneeled down and clasped her thin hands on Daisy's shoulders and turned Daisy to face her.

"I know you might not believe us now, but the truth is bound to come out on of these days and when it does, we will find out for sure if he is one of them," he spat out the word them like venom, "or if we've managed to get the freakishness out of him. This is all for his own good, Daisy."

Daisy shook her head vigorously. "Look, I still don't entirely believe you, but I sure know that if you really wanted what's good for him, you would've treated him as your actual nephew! You wouldn't have left him in a cupboard and you definitely wouldn't have made him think that everything is his fault!"

"What would you know? You're just a child!" her mother screamed back at her. They were both glaring at each other and none of them looked ready to quit.


Daisy decided that she has heard enough. She stormed out of the living room red in the face. She was still extremely confused and hurt. She had done so much for Harry but wasn't allowed a single drop of information of what made him different to her parents. She cared for Harry so much. Her eyes stung as tears started to form.

'Oh great. One little fight, and I get emotional.' She sniffed and wiped at her tears.

Her bedroom door creaked as she pushed it open. The white pain was chipping away and starting to look less white from the numerous times she painted over it after messing some substance on it.

Her spirit was completely deflated and she was not looking forward to the enormous amount of homework that laid ahead for her.

She pushed her door closed and leaned her back against it. She was exhausted from the countless hours of stress- of both school and home. She titled her head back and let her eyes close.

'I still have homework to do...' she thought as she slid down the door. Landing on the floor, she pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her head.

She was just about to close her eyes and sleep for real when the sound of tiny footsteps made her look up.

A smile instantly appeared as she spotted Harry making his way over to her. He sat next to her, huffing as he did. He then looked at her with wide eyes.

"Daisy, what 'append?"

Daisy sighed through a smile.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Bub," she ruffled Harry's thick hair which never seemed to be tamed.

Harry giggled and tried dodging her hand but Daisy was faster. She picked him up and put him on her lap, smoothing her legs out for him to sit properly. She then started to tickle him mercilessly.

Giggles and snorts (mainly from Daisy's side) filled the air.


Daisy decided to talk to her mother. Probably not her best idea, but she really wanted to know what happened with Harry's parents- HER aunt and uncle. So after she tucked Harry into bed, she crept into the kitchen where her mother was washing up the dishes.

Before she could change her mind, she took in a deep breath and stood next to her mother. Her mother looked at her , surprised that she wasn't already in bed. Daisy just grabbed a dry dishcloth and took a wet plate to dry before placing it on the counter next to her. Her mother continued washing up and they were like that- drying and washing up in silence- for a while before Daisy spoke.

"I'm sorry about storming out earlier."

Her mother smiled and sighed, "It's...fine. You were mad."

Daisy nodded, "Yes. I was. Which is why I wanted to ask if you can explain about earlier."

Her mother nodded and after finishing up the last of the cutlery, they made their way to the living room table where they sat to talk.

"Well, what do you want to know?"  her mother asked.


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