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Daisy's school started at precisely eight o'clock. For the first two years of her going to school this was never a problem.

In the mornings she got herself dressed. Most of the times she just had cereal in the mornings, but sometimes her mother would make her something special but quick. While her mother did her make up, Daisy would pack her own bag, grab the brown paper bag where her lunch was in (which her mom made) and wait for her mom in the living room, usually reading a book.

Her mom would be finished with her make up at around half past eight and then they would be off to school. She would be at school at exactly quarter to  eight. Now this doesn't seem that early, but to her it felt like she was waking up before the Earth even decided to.

But after Dudley was born, she started getting to school very late. Mainly cause Dudley would just not stop crying, which made her mother late, which made Daisy late.

She didn't have many friend and since she was a year younger than most of the kids she was often teased about it.

The older kids liked to bully and tease her. But Daisy didn't pay attention to them. She still greeted them every single day at school. As well as all the teachers she met on the way to class. Which many of the teachers found weird about her. Since, normally the kids would all just race past them.

Daisy was always known as the weirdo and the outsider at school. Or she would always been picked on for being one of the smartest kids in the grade.

Not even the nerds who were always seated right at the front of the class wanted to speak or interact with her.

But that changed after Isabella George arrived. She arrived in the middle of the school year.

She was polite to everyone but didn't mind breaking the rules. In fact, she would do it in a heartbeat. She was a reble, in short, but she was also kind, generous and everyone liked her. She always had the right words to say and would stand up to anyone, if she believed what she was standing up for was right.

For the first few months, Daisy and Isabella didn't talk to each other or interact in any way. Daisy thought she would just end up being like all the other girls. How wrong she was back then.

It all began during one recess.


[Total Amount Of Words: 424 Words. Unedited.]

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