Can't say I don't miss Semaj because I do. Yeah Tyreek and I were good and all but I miss my baby like crazy. I know he loves me but that doesn't mean he has to disrepect me.
I swear the whole ride back to Tyreek's house I was thinking about how good my daddy looked in his sweat suit. He always kept his self looking sexy even when he didn't mean to.When we pulled up to Tyreek's house he put the car in park and turned the car off. I went to get out then I heard the car lock.
"Why you so quiet? Every since we got back from the barber shop." Tyreek asked.
"Its nothing I just don't feel good."
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure."
When I stepped in the house I sat on the couch amd started watching tv. Then Tyreek came to join me. He started rubbing my thighs. They were complete out since I had a brown skirt with a white long sleeve turtle neck.
Tyreek wanted to have sex but I didn't I was too focus on Semaj. Seeing him again made me realized why I fell in love with him.
"You want daddy to make your feel better?" Tyreek asked kissing on my neck. If I wasnt so into my thoughts it would feel good. Tyreek's sex was good but it wasn't nothing like Semaj. Semaj could make me fein for it while on the other hand Tyreek was just average.
"Tyreek I'm really not in the mood."
"I can get you in the mood." Tyreek began kissing me and running his hands up my skirt. I tried to stop him but he was overpowering me.
"Come on Tyreek please stop." I begged but he didn't listen.
"No you gonna get this dick today." Tyreek then pulled my skirt off as I tried to fight him off. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. I could only think about how Ronny did the same thing. I laid there as Tyreek slid in and out of me roughly. I just cried until he was finished then I hurried to get dress then I left. I just walked until I couldn't walk anymore by then I ened up back at la la's house.
"Girl what happened to you?" Lala asked as I sat down on the couch. I was still crying even while I was walking home.
"He did something I never thought he would." I said crying even harder.
"Who ? And what did he do?"
"Tyreek raped me."
"You dead ass?"
I sat there crying while La la was walking around losing her mind. I was hurt that I trusted him and he did this shit. I was hurt that I let this happen for the second time.I eventually got up and walked to my room to get in the shower. I was in there for two hours. I finally came out and I heard Kyra and Lala downstairs shouting at each other.
Kyra was saying that Tyreek would never do something like that. And Lala was saying the opposite. I just laid down and went to sleep. I was hoping that I was just having a nightmare and I could wake up from it.
When I heard my alarm going off I realized that I wasn't dreaming. And Everything that happened actually happened.I finally got the strenght to get out the bed. I got in the shower. Once out the shower I dried off and slipped on some pink panties and bra set. Then I slepped into a pink sweat suit that I had brought from the mall with my black Uggs. I left my hair in the messy bun then I headed to school.
Went through all my classes with my headphones in bumping my music so loud that you could hear it even while I had my headphones in. Lala didn't come to school and niether did My best friend so I was alone all day. I mean not that I wanted company anyway.
As I laid in the bed crying I could only think about how different my life could if been. If my father was here I wouldn't have got raped by Ronny and if I didn't over react during Semaj and I break up would of never got raped by Tyreek.
The guy that wanted to be my Boyfriend raped me. I laid there just crying.
I cried myself for the rest of the night. When I woke up the next morning I heard Lala downstairs talking to Tanya.Those two never talked. They couldn't stand each other. But to see them come together for me it kinda warms my heart.
"What y'all two talking About?" I asked taking a seat in thr couch across from the two.
"We was just talking about You and that nasty ass nigga." Tanya said .
"I really don't want to talk or hear about it anymore. I'm over it ." I lied. I was never going to be over this. It's going to hurt me for the rest of my life."Nana I know your hurt. Its okay to say you are hurt." Tanya said.
"I'm gonna be fine. I got over Ronny I'll get over Tyreek." I lied again. I was never gonna for get Ronny.Everyone wanted to talk about the situation and try to be my therapist but I honestly just wanted to be held by my baby. Semaj.
"Well if you don't want to talk about it then okay fine we don't have to talk about it. But how about we do some shopping?" Lala asked.
"I have to work today I actuallly have like three hours to get there or I'll be late. " I said walking up the stairs.Even though I would love to shop with my girls I had money to make. I knew me going to work would get my mind off things.
Once I was I ready for work I drove to work. I was doing so well with letting go the situation. But everyone wanted to try and tell me I should feel sad.When I arrived at my job I felt a sense of relief. I worked at a kick USA so I knew not one person in here is going to bring up my little rape situaion so I was okay about that.
After dealing with rude customers I was happy I only had ten mintues lefted on my shift.
Even though my day went by a little crazy I was still happy to get away from friends for a bit. Just while enjoying my happy thoughts I seen Semaj walk in with this girl.
Now don't get me wrong she was pretty. She had her nice curly baby hairs slayed to the God's. And her big booty in her light blue jeans just would of driven a man crazy. She must of been Semaj's new girlfriend.
I watched as they walked around looking at different sneakers together and it made me sad inside knowing he had moved on. I guess I know how it felt to be him when he saw me with Tyreek.Then the two came over to my register with two boxes of sneakers. I greeted them with a fake smile.
"Your total is six- fifty. I then took the card from Semaj then gave him the receipt and his card. They walked away holding hands and I just wanted to cry so bad but I didn't.When I got home from work I was the only one home. So I just did some homework then I took a shower for bed.
When I woke up. I heard la la and a familiar voice down stairs talking. I hated going to sleep then waking to Lala talking to different people while I was sleep.
When I was dressed for school. I went downstairs. I was surprised to see it was Semaj. First off the two don't like each other. Second Semaj and I have been broken up for sometime now.
"Hey Nana this man wants to talk to you." Lala said to me before walking upstairs and leaving us alone.
"What you want to talk about with me? Don't you got a girlfriend?" I asked with my arms crossed over my chest. I was acting like I didn't want to see him but he was the only good that's happens to me and I really missed him.
"Look I heard what happened to you the streets talk. I came here to see if you was okay. And for your information I don't have a girlfriend.
"Whatever. Tyreek and I done and that's really it."
"Nana I heard it already why didn't you call me?"
"Semaj I dont know."
"Nana you know I will lay anybody down for you no matter what.'
"Semaj you know you wasn't focused on me. You was worried about your little girl friend."
"Nana don't do this. Don't act like I walked away from you because You walked away from me."
"But you didn't fight You just gave up."
"What You want me to do chase you while you walk around with another nigga?"
"I wanted you to get yourself together so you can treat me right. If you would of been faithful I would of never had to break up with you and I would of never found Tyreek and he would of never raped me. " I broke down and cried.I was trying so hard to keep everything together but it wasn't working. I was messed up inside and I felt sick to my stomach to even talk about it. I was missing Semaj like crazy but he just couldn't see that.
Semaj came over next to me and held me in his arms. The smell of his calone filled my nose as I placed my head on his chest. I felt safe once again.
"Look I deadass love you and I miss you. Out of all the women I've dated you've shown me love even when I didn't deserve it. I fucked up and I know that. I hate seeing you cry. I really do. So how about we get away and focus on us and get you away from here for a bit?"
"What You mean?"
"How about we go back to Miami and enjoy us a little vaction there? Maybe just a week."
"I would love that."
"Okay well just make sure you tell your job about you being out for a couple of days and let me know when you'll be ready to take jthis trip."
After Semaj and I talked for a bit Semaj drove me to school then went about his regular day. I felt better knowing he was making an effort to make me feel better but I was still hurt about.

General FictionWhen sixteen year old Nana ends up on her own , having to fend for herself she figures out that life isnt as easy as she thought. She goes through some really tough challenges. Falling in love and finding out what life is about at her age.