I was bonding great with my daughter and now that her and her mom have come to a decision to work out their relationship. It really made me feel better about trying to put my family together.
I had been working on getting back to my life. I've already got my own house and car but I was still living in off of money stashed away by me now that the money was running low I needed to find a job bad. I could go back to the streets I just couldn't. I didn't want what happened the first time happen again to my family.
I went to meet with Shawn and talk.
"Wassup bro? Shawn asked.
"Nothing much trying to get my family back."
"How is that going for you?"
"It's better. I got my daughter and I also got Veronica and her back on good terms. Right now I'm just having trouble with money."
"Well I can put a word in to my mans and he can get you paid."
"I can't do that drug shit that's how I got my family in what I did."
"That's was only cause that nigga you was doing business with was on some crazy shit. This nigga isn't like that. His name is Semaj he owns a club and he paid. He'll find a job for you that pays and you will never be broke with the help of him."
"That's who you work for?"
"Yeah , ain't that you your daughters baby father?"
"Trust me Semaj isn't no bad guy he really will help you out just don't cross him."
"Look I need the money so just put a word in for me."
After leaving Shawn. I went to the rehabilitation center to visit Veronica. Even though she doesn't want to see me I had to see her.
"Why do you keep coming here? I don't want to see you." Veronica sat down with an attitude but I didn't pay it any mind.
"I love you Veronica. I know I did some bad things but baby I really just want my family."
"You lost that chance when you left us to suffer."
"It was either that or he would of killed y'all. I had to choose either it was y'all lives or my life. I choose to fake my death so that he could leave y'all alone. Then I had him killed and then I came home."
"Mister I really lost my mind when you weren't there. I got on drugs bad and I let Ronny rape my daughter and I believed him over her. He beat us and treated us like shit and you can't just bounce back from something like that."
"Baby I know I'm just asking that you to understand that I'm willing to do whatever to gain your love and trust back."
"We can work on it."
"I love you Veronica and I always did."
"I love you too Mister."
"Can't wait until you get out of here so I can take you on a date."
"Well the wait is over I only have a two weeks left in my recovery. I will officially be 90 days clean in two weeks." Veronica three me a big smile and it made me smile too. I missed her. she was all I ever needed in life and now that I have my last back I'm losing her AGAIN.
"Wow I'm proud of you. I'll be waiting for you when your finished."
"That's good. Now how did our baby have two kids without us?"
"Well the first one she had a miscarriage and this is her second time pregnant."
"Same thing I said."
"Yeah, well did you at least meet this man she is having these babies with?"
"They aren't on good terms or whatever but they are trying to figure out the parenting thing I guess."
"I can't believe my Nana is about to be eighteen and she is about to have my grand baby."
"Yeah me either she always was a head of everyone. She is opening her own store too. The grand opening is in two weeks wanna go?"
"Hell Yeah. A chance to see my daughter do what she always wanted to do. I will be there for sure. Let it be a surprise I don't want her to know that I know or that I'm coming."
"Good she would love to have you there."
A lot has changed. And your secret is safe with me."
"Yeah same thing I said when y'all came toe see me."
"I'm happy to see you back to yourself."
"Yeah I'm happy to be back."It was clear that all the love that Veronica and I shared didn't change. She still loved me as much as I loved her and she still wanted to give us another chance just like I did. Slowly but for surely I was getting my family back and I wasn't stopping until I did.

General FictionWhen sixteen year old Nana ends up on her own , having to fend for herself she figures out that life isnt as easy as she thought. She goes through some really tough challenges. Falling in love and finding out what life is about at her age.