After hours of paper work and working on new things for the store I was finally in the house and relaxed. I was still kinda slim but I had round belly. I was excited and thankful for the chance to have a gender reveal. I'm 26 weeks into my pregnancy and I was so happy I made it this far. With the tragedy from my first pregnancy I always felt a little doubt in this pregnancy. Let's not mention the pain and hurt from Semaj. I was just so thankful for everything that I had going so far.
Cameron came home soon after without Amelia. I walked over to greet him with kiss and hug and he held me close. I loved his hugs I always felt safe and secured.
"Hey Babe." I said walking back over to the couch.
"Hey , how was your day?" Cameron came to join me. He laid my legs across his legs and began to rub me feet. This is why I love this man.
"It was okay. I had lunch with your mother. She is more excited about the baby as if she is the one carrying the baby." I laughed.
"Yeah she was the same way about Amelia."
"I'm so happy I can't wait to see what we are having."
"Me too love."
"Baby where is Amelia?"
"My aunt came to pick her up while she was in town. My aunt took her back to LA for bit. I got to go handle some business in like a week so I'll bring her back then."
"Okay great we got some time together. I want to go to the mall tomorrow so I can do some shopping it's been a minute."
"Alright I like that."
"Yeah and we can look at more stuff for the baby."
"The Gender reveal is Saturday are you excited we are finally going to find out our baby's gender."
"I'm excited. I'm even more happy that me and Semaj are on good terms."
"Oh really? Since when?"
"Well I called him to meet and talk and We hashed it for the baby. I want you guys to get over y'all beef and focus on the fact that our kids are going to be around a each other. He said he's willing to , are you ?"
"Look I'm happy y'all came to a common ground. I'll be a bigger man and let the shit go but if I have to defend myself I will."
"I love you baby."
"I love you too."
"You better."After days of working hard for my business I was getting bigger and bigger and finally I was having my gender reveal. I had everyone around to support. Even my dad. I had been mad at him but I still love him and I was grateful to see him here with me. Semaj came too with Trina and Prince. The baby shower was going great to see Cameron's family show up and support too was great. I had never imagined coming from a family of broken poverty and lies and too many deaths and odd situations , to think I'll ever have a huge family right before my eyes.
"Hey Nana." Semaj said walking over to me while I was at the table sitting alone.
"Hey Semaj."
"Girl you know I love you."
"Yes I do. But I do know you have a horrible way of showing it."
"I'm happy to see you finally with someone like Cameron. It ain't no bad blood I want the best for y'all. As long as he does right by you and my baby I'm good."
"I'm happy you feel that way and I wish the same for you and Trina."
"Well if I was to be honest. I don't think Trina and I are gonna last too long."
"I feel like she is against me and I feel like her jealousy is going to bring us to our ultimate big break. I sometimes feel like I can't trust her. She moving she playing for the opposite team."
"So what do you suppose you should do?"
"I want to just keep things low key until I figure out the problem."
"Well I'm here if anything I'm still ride or die you know."
"Yeah that's forever. Babygirl."
"Let's go see what we having babes."Semaj and I would always have the bond we share but I knew Cameron's was was the family man I always wanted. I was complete. It was fianlly time for us to find out our baby's gender. I held the big black ballon. While Semaj did the same. Everyone gathered around to see the big surprise.
"Alright y'all I'll give you guys a a count down from three and you'll pop y'all balloons with the pins you have and the gender will be revealed."
"I'm ready Mama let's go!" I cheered excitedly."
"Alright. Three...Two...One."
We both at the same time popped our balloons and the pink confetti came bursting out."
"OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL!!!!" I screamed. I couldn't of been more happy lowkey wanting a girl was all leading up to this moment right here. Semaj gave me a big hug and he had teary eyes. I had never seen Semaj this happy but I knew he was just as happy as me and I began to cry too. After hugging him I took pictures and and we ate cake and enjoyed the gathering.After everything I went home. I told Danny to help me grab all the gifts tomorrow because I was too tired. While laying in the bed cuddled with Cameron I felt him place kiss on my neck.
"Baby I love you." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you too baby." I replied back.
"Goodnight."The next morning I was getting ready to go to a doctors appointment then to work with Danny with the store. But I got a phone call from Danny.
"Wassup girl?"
"NANA , SEMAJ JUST GOT ARRESTED!" Danny screamed into the phone crying and panicking. I couldn't believe that in just a instant my whole big family is broken apart and Semaj is gone. For what ? And how long? That I don't know but was bound to find out. I swear If Trina was involved in some way I was going to make sure she would pay.

قصص عامةWhen sixteen year old Nana ends up on her own , having to fend for herself she figures out that life isnt as easy as she thought. She goes through some really tough challenges. Falling in love and finding out what life is about at her age.