For these past couple of days I thought about how I had Nana being pregnant AGAIN. I was happy but at the same time was shocked. I then got a call from Maniac.
"Wassup bro?"
"Yo I need you to swing by my crib I have something I need to run past you." Maniac explained.
"Alright I'll be there in like ten minutes."
"Bet."I hurried to gather my things. I was indeed curious for what Maniac had to talk to me about. I was just hoping it was something good.
When I arrived I saw Maniac sitting on the porch with his kids. Once I got out he stood up to greet me.
"Wassup bro? Something happened?" I asked.
"I really think I fucked up this time."
"Why you say that? What happened?"
"I know I shouldn't lay my hands on her but it's just I get so angry I can't control it."
"You talking about Tanya?"
"Yeah I mean I never cared for someone like this since Raven. Now look at me and Raven. We came a along way. But I fucked that up."
"Yeah you did."
"So I want to stop this shit before I lose something else just as great."
"What you saying bro?"
"I want to marry Tanya bro."
"Yo you deadass?"
"Yeah I love that girl. She really is the one taking me back through all my fuck ups. Last time I was this in love like this is when I was with Raven. So I want to actually do the things I didn't get to do with Raven with Tanya. I can't let a another good woman slip through my hands."I sat there shocked to hear Maniac say those words. Maniac always said how he never would get married now he is sitting before me saying he is ready to pop the question to Tanya.
"Look if you really do love her you have to go get some help with this anger. You can't keep putting your hands on her and expect her to take you back over and over again."
"I know."
"You say that now then you still do the same things over again."
"Look I'm about to be a different man. I want to marry her and that's just what it will be."After talking with Maniac I drove by my mother's house.
"Hey Son. Is everything okay?"
"Business is good as always."
"I was talking about with Nana."
"What you mean?"
"Danny told me about y'all break up. I know you love her so what's the issue?"
"I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her and then there is times where I feel like I just want to do single things."
"You want to do those things while your in a relationship."
"Mom I sometimes let my bad thoughts take over my actions."
"Nana is a great person. She deserves the best of things. I raised you well enough for you to know to have better sense then to break her heart. You need to get it together. I know you love her but you can't show it. Your not ready to be in a relationship so get it together until you are."
"What if I take long? She would probably find someone else in that time and she wouldn't want to be with me anymore."
"Trust me the way Nana loves you she wouldnt but she will be waiting for your return."
"How do you think she will take it?"
"She will take it understanding. She want things to be better so she'll try out this way hoping for a better outcome each time y'all try something new."
"Okay. With that being said you are about to be a grandma again. Nana is pregnant."
"What? Are you serious?"
"Yes she is a little unsure of how to feel because of the past of the first baby. But other than that we are on a great path."
"Omg! Son I'm so proud of you."
"I know I can't keep putting her through this but I don't want to let her go, maybe this baby can bring us closer."
"And what if it doesn't?"
"Then I'll have to figure out where we stand from there. But I'll just worry about that when it gets here."
"Son just know you can't drag her along and expect it to just work out. Eventually she will get fed up and then you won't have the chance to figure it out then."
"I hear you ma."
"I love you baby."
"I love you too."
Days went past before I spoke to Nana again. When she called me and told me to stop by her house I made my way over there.
"Wassup?" I asked taking a seat.
"I want to let you know that I'm willing to stick with us raising a child but just not together."
"Semaj let's face it you are not ready to be in a relationship. You and I both know that. It's best that I don't stress myself with that stuff for the baby's health .I can't keep going back and forth with you. Not while I'm with child. The risk are high but I up for the fight I just know that for the better we can't be together."
"So your about to walk away from everything we built together?"
"Semaj don't do that. Now you should be the last to say some shit like that. You're the one cheating and lying all the time. Your the only one making it hard for us to be together. I put with your bullshit. Any other birch would have left."
"Look I'm done with the bullshit."
"We'll see in time it will be shown but right now I can't do that to myself or our baby."
"Okay well I'll still be here the whole step of the way. I love you and I really want this to work."
"I love you too and I want this just as bad but right now isn't the right time."
After leaving Nana's house I couldn't stop thinking about her. I knew she was making the decision based off of her health but I wasn't trying to lose her or a chance of raising a family together with her. But from the looks of it that's what it looks like.

General FictionWhen sixteen year old Nana ends up on her own , having to fend for herself she figures out that life isnt as easy as she thought. She goes through some really tough challenges. Falling in love and finding out what life is about at her age.