No Matter What (Ren X reader)

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This one-shot was requested by @otakxfangirl! First request I've ever written. Hope this was to your liking ^^

Your childhood consists of Ren and cardfighting. But without Ren you would've never gotten into Vanguard.
It started off with you, Ren, Tetsu and eventually Kai too. You guys were the perfect group and showed your passion for cardfighting than anyone else.

But all things had to end.

Ren became obsessed with power as his psyqualia took over him. Kai became distant and moved away and Tetsu slowly became emotionless.

You had decided to stay by Ren's side, complying with his every wish. One thing lead to another and then Asteroid was formed.

That's when you noticed that Ren had changed. Big time.

"Y/N," Ren called out to you, his voice making you tremble a bit. "Yes Ren?"

Ren showed an evilly amused smirk. "You would never leave me right? Not like Kai did, right?" He cooed walking over to your standing form and laying his chin on your shoulder making you flinch a bit in surprise.

"Well, unless you show any weakness," he chuckled. "We won't be needing you then."

Your tears threaten to fall out of your eyes, afraid of that happening. "O-of course not, Ren" you fearfully smiled at him. "I....I'll never leave you. Not like Kai did," you assured him.

"Good," he smiled. "Always remember this," he pulls himself away from you and started to walk away back to his desk.

"Asteroid has no room for the weak" you both said in unison making him smirk.

'If this is the only way we can be together, I will not be weak...' you thought. You clenched your fists tightly.

'I'll make sure to stay by your side, no matter what'.

And done! Sorry that this was pretty short but I have exams tomorrow qwq although you can request a part 2 if u want ^^

- Biyachannn

"Let's Stand Up Together" A Cardfight! Vanguard X reader One-Shot Book 1Where stories live. Discover now