Christmas Hoodies (Chris X reader)

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Christmas special! I might do one-shots for various characters for the season next one might be Chrono or Kamui. A little note: Chris is 16 in this shot.

Its that time of year again and this year was gonna be great! Christmas was in the air and Chris was gonna stay over for the holidays.

Him being busy with helping Ibuki he decided to celebrate here with you which you were really excited about since you mostly call each other during these times.

Your parents were out abroad and couldn't come home for the holidays, which you were sad about but you're happy that your boyfriend of 3 years was here with you.

You both were lounging the sofa of the small apartment you and and parents live in, with you laying your head on Chris' chest snuggling onto him, his warmth making you comfortable as you both watch on the television, a blanket covering your figures.

"Chris it's almost time for the party" you muttered to him, poking his cheek. He hummed in response. "Well then we should get ready" he replies kissing your forehead making you giggle. You both stood up and got ready.

You sneakily went behind him and covered his eyes giggling softly at him. "Hey Y/N" he chuckles, grabbing both your hands gently, holding them in his. "Something wrong?" He asks as he faced you.

You shook your head smiling like a kid who got a box of candy cane on Christmas. "I got ya something" you said rushing over the drawer in your room. You grabbed a gift wrapped in green wrapping paper and topped with a red lace string. You handed it to him grinning from ear to ear.

"Here" you said as he takes it in his hands. "Oh, N/N thats so sweet of you. But you didn't need to go all this trouble for me" he says sheepishly as he hugs you.

"Its no trouble at all, besides I really wanted to give you something. After all this was the first Christmas we're spending together" you said as you return his hug, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Come on, open it!" You said as you excitedly wait for his reaction. He gently tears the wrapping paper after he takes off the ribbon. He unfolds the gift and smiles. It was a hoodie that was inspired by his main stride unit: Omniscience Dragon, Cat Palug.

"So?" You asked eagerly excited. "How is it?" He gave you a tight hug, nuzzling his head on your neck making you feel his hot breath calming you down from the coldness of the season.

"I love it!" He said as he pulls away from the hug. "How did you manage to find this? It's seems expensive" he says making you grin. "I made it myself" you said.

"Really?" He smiles. "Well with a little help with Misaki that is" you sheepishly said. "Thank you so much, Y/N!" He kissed your forehead gently. "Oh which reminds me" he grabbed a small velvet box from his pocket making your eyes widen.

"I..I wanted to give you this" he says nervously as he hands you the box. "I-I know we're not old enough to get married" he started off. You opened the small box being greeted by a glint of gold, making your eyes watery. It was a gold necklace with a gold ring that engraved: 'C ♡ (your initial)..Together Forever'.

"But I'm sure i want spend my future with you" he leans in making your foreheads touch. "Oh, Chris" you sniffled as he wiped away the tears from your eyes. He gently takes the necklace from you, "turn around" he says which you did as he placed the necklace on you.

You turned around to face him once again, a smile on your face as you looked at the gold ring on the chain. "It's beautiful Chris" you kissed his lips as you hugged him once more.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N" he says sweetly.

"Merry Christmas, Chris" you said as you both headed out to the party hand in hand.

And done! My baby boy might be too OoC here but hey he got a very short screen time overall in the series *cough* Vanguard G *cough*. Anyways hope you liked it and request are open.

Next up might be a Kamui Christmas special or an Aichi x Reader

Bye bye
-Biya chan ♡

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