Author-san's Birthday chapter!

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Biya: *walks in a room where she's meant to meet up with everyone* eh? Why's the room all dark?

Lights brighten up and the room and an explosion of colorful confetti filled it.

Everyone: Happy Birthday, Biya-chan!

Biya: awee. You guys are gonna make me cry qwq

Tokoha: *pats her back* cry all you want but do it after the party owo

Kamui: yeah we took time to decorate so you'd better enjoy yourself

Biya: *tackles Kamui into a hug* wahhhh!!! qwq Kamui, arigatouuuu

Kamui: *lands on his bum* oof *groans* mou~ get off you're too heavy =_=

Chrono: senpai! *tries to pry Biya off him*

Shion: Biya-chan, *walks over with a birthday cake in his hands* It's time to blow your candles *ikemen smile*

Biya: Uwahhh!!! Thank you so much, Shion! qwq

Everyone: *sings happy birthday*

Misaki: go on make a wish ^v^

Kai: or you'll be burned to ashes *monotone voice*

Aichi: Kai-kun! You're scaring Biya-chan!

Ren: oh look! It's a cat owo *runs out the door to catch it*

Asuka: *chases after him* Ren-sama! It's dangerous to run!

Biya: *sweatdrops* *closes her eyes and blows the candles*

Chris: *walks up behind her as he places his hand on her shoulder* so? What did you wish for? ^^

Biya: gahhh!!! It's Chris! ♡w♡ *hugs him*

Chris: ^^ *chuckles nervously but hugs back*

Chrono: great *sighs* we prepare her something big and now she's just oogling all over Chris *sweatdrops*

Taiyou: *pats Chrono's back in a comforting way*

Kazuma: it's annoying =_=

Hiroki: agreed *scoffs*

Luna: well I think its cute owo

Kumi: *nods* ^v^ i think so too

Am: at least she's happy

Shion: so? What was your wish? *ikemen smile*

Tokoha: *eagerly waits* owo

Biya: well *links her arms with Chris's* i wished to be a better writer and artist and to frequently make more one-shots of you guys ^^

Everyone: awweee qwq

Saori: you better do mine next, or you'll have hell to pay *growls at her*

Kyou: and don't forget about the Great Kyou! *laughs proudly*

Morikawa: and the great Morikawa's *laughs*

Miwa: *snickers* you're too full of yourself, Lose-umi

Morikawa: why you little- *about to attack Miwa*

Kamui: Oi! He's lost his mind again!

Ibuki: *grumbles* everyone is too noisy =_=

Izaki: *hits Morikawa with a huge fan* stop causing a scene

Biya: Hai hai, arigatou Izaki-chan ^^

Izaki: ^^ *drags Morikawa out of the room*

Biya: *looks at reader-chan(s)* sorry if this chapter wasn't what you guys expected ^^ but i wanted to celebrate this day with my fave characters and you guys owo i just turned 15 today and i feel like an old hag already XD hope you guys will continue to be patient with me and my crappy stories ^^ Saori x reader will be up next so stay tuned for that

Chris: Biya, its time to cut the cake!

Biya: hai! *runs up to him happily*

-idk what came over me :v this chaps mostly about me being a self-centered prick XD lol (art not owned by me ^^)

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