It was always you (Kourin X Aichi X Reader)

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This was requested by SuzumeLucilfer! This will the first love triangle that I'll write so let's just hope this turns out well XD

"Aichi-kun!" You said running up to the bluennette male. "How ya been? It's been a while since we talked!" You cheered making Aichi smile.

"It has been awhile and I'm doing good, Y/N-san" he replies.

You and Aichi used to be classmates back in middle school but since both of you entered Highschool, you got split into different classes. Since you wanted to focus on academics this year you kicked off studying since the school year started.

"I heard your Card fight Club had been approved! That's so amazing!" You clapped your hands as Aichi shyly laughed.  "Yeah, wish you could've joined us though." You chuckled nervously as you looked at your feet.

"Sorry Aichi, I knew you needed more members on time and I didn't even bothered to help you guys. I'm really sorry" you bowed apologetically as Aichi panicked.

"T-there's no need to bow Y/N-san! I knew you wanted to focus on academics so it's totally okay!" He stated. "You're always welcome to join us anytim-!"

"Aichi!" A feminine voice echoed in the hallway, looking up you saw the blonde haired girl from Ultra Rare. "Club activities are about to start!" She called out walking up to him.

"A-ah! Sorry Kourin-san, just give me a minute" he looked at you with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Y/N-san I gotta go now" he bows.

"Ah, that's okay! You're team needs you!" You smiled slightly jealous as you knew he'd hang out more with Kourin than you.
"If you'd like, let's meet up later and head to Card Capital!"

"Sure! I'll meet you ther-!" Kourin pulled Aichi by the arm making the blue haired male lose balance for a bit. "Aichi we should get going, the others might ne waiting" Aichi nodded and waved bye to you as he walked on ahead, leaving you and Kourin for a bit.

"Listen," Kourin started. "Y/N-san was it?" She asks.

"Y-yeah" you replied. The blonde sighed and looked at you.

"Aichi doesn't need you, he doesn't need someone that wasn't there for him" she says in a serious tone making you boil a bit in angry and half making you feel guilty.

"Why are you saying this?"

"Aichi needed you back then, the time the Club was yet to be formed. You weren't there but then I was. Stop hoping," she states.

"Oh, we'll see about that" you challanged. "Aichi is important to me, I won't back down on him again. Not to you". The blonde nodded and went to the club room.

>At the Card Fight Club<

During the rest of the club meeting, the team went ahead and had a couple of matches.

"Ashlei attacks," Kourin says.

"Guard" Aichi places a card on the guardian circle as he let out a sigh.

"This is their 4th match today" Shingo states as Misaki and Naoki nodded.

"I probably should get going now, Kourin-san" he says fixing up his deck as the match had just finished. The others had went ahead early due to other plans. He stood up and waved goodbye to Kourin. Before he can even open the door, Kourin pulled him back and hugged him from behind making the male shocked and flustered.


"Don't leave," she whispered. "Please." The male was confused at the blonde's actions as she spoke up.

"We both like you Aichi, can't you see that?" She sadly says. "I want you to choose me.."

The blue-haired male relaxed into the hug and smiled. "I'm sorry, Kouri-san" he says knowing well what she meant. Kourin lets go him and gave him a sad smile as he left the room, tears streaming from her eyes to her pale cheeks.

"At least he'll be happy.." she muttered.

Aichi ran to the entrance of the school, not far ahead was a girl with H/C hair. "Y/N-san!" He called out panting a bit when he stopped running.

"Aichi-kun! I was just about to leave" you said with a sad look. "I thought you'd be spending more time with Kourin today, so I thought.." you rambled on.

"I like you, Y/N-san!" He exclaimed with a faint blush on his cheeks, making you blush as well.

"W-what...?" You muttered as tears of happiness spilled from your eyes. "Do really mean it...?" The male nodded with a shy smile.

More tears fell from your eyes as you smiled happily, wiping your tears with you hands. "All this time, I thought I already lost you to Kourin-san... but hearing that," Aichi went up to you and hugged you nervously, making you hug back and burying your face onto his chest.

"I couldn't help but be happy" you smiled. "I like you too... Aichi-kun. I've always had".

"Me too, Y/N-san... it was always you."

So? How was it? ^^ idk if Kourin was clingy enough but I hope this was good! UwU

- biyachan ^^

&quot;Let's Stand Up Together&quot; A Cardfight! Vanguard X reader One-Shot Book 1Where stories live. Discover now