You're back..(Shy!Saori x reader)

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A sorta sequel to the previous Saori x reader ^^ requested by VanguardRanger25 Hope this was to your liking Azy-chan ^^

Saori, or should i say Dumjid, fell to his knees as he clutches his head, screaming in pain as he slowly went back to Cray, leaving the vessel he once had used. He had just been defeated by Tokoha in a Cardfight, sending him back to other world.

"Saori-kun!" You ran to his fainted and unconscious form basking him into your embrace. "Saori-kun!" You gently shake his body trying to wake him up.

Chrono and the others ran to you both their eyes full of concern. Tokoha checked his pulse and sighed in relief, "he just fainted." She smiled at you reassuringly.

"T-thank you, Tokoha-san..." you cried hugging the fainted boy tighter. "Thank you for bringing him back..." she smiles at you as she patted your head.

"I know how it feels to lose someone, I'm just glad we brought him back.." she says with a sad smile.

You felt Saori moved in your arms making you smile as he opened his eyes. "Y-Y/N-chan..?" He groggily speaks.

"Saori-kun!" You hugged the ginger-haired boy yet again making him blush. "You're back!" You cried out.

Saori relaxed in your embrace shyly smiling returning your hug, "I'm back, Y/N-chan..." he says nuzzling his head by your neck as you both cried missing each other's embrace.

~A few Days Later~

"Mou~ Saori-kun! Hurry up or we'll be late" you pouted at the panting male, regaining his breath from running. "S-sorry, Y/N-chan..." he says shyly.

You patted his head, ruffling his hear a bit, "It's okay" you smiled at him making him blush a dark hue making you giggle.

You pinched his cheek making his blush worsen. "You're too cute, ya know" you grinned at him.

"Y-Y/N-chan!" He flusteredly squeaks. You pouted as he tried to prive your hand off his cheek. "Mou~ you suddenly disappear and left me of course I'd miss you."

Saori's eyes widened at your statement as he felt guilty of how he treated you those days ago. He leans in and shyly kisses your forehead. "I-I....I'm not going anywhere.. not anymore" he assures you as he hugged you.

"I know you won't, Saori-kun..." you nuzzled into his embrace as you sighed happily.

"I'm just glad You're back.."

Annnddd done! This was pretty short?? But i kinda liked it ^^ hope you guys are having an amazing Valentine's day uwu unlike me qwq


"Let's Stand Up Together" A Cardfight! Vanguard X reader One-Shot Book 1Where stories live. Discover now