Maybe Someday (Chrono X Oblivious!Reader X Kazuma)

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The second love triangle one-shot requested by VanguardRanger25! Hope this was to your liking ^^

"Y/N!" Chrono and Kazuma called out to you in unison making them look at each other surprised a bit. Surprisingly you didn't hear them and kept talking to a fellow classmate in the cafeteria.

"Do you have something to say to her?" Kazuma asked with a slight growl as Chrono glared at him a bit. "I should ask you the same thing".

"I'm inviting her to go out after school" Kazuma states with a slightly victorious smirk. "Well so was I!"

They kept on glaring at each other as an imaginary line of lightning can be seen in between their heads.

Chrono and Kazuma had liked the H/C haired girl for some time now. You and Kazuma were friends from childhood so you were both close and you were classmates with Chrono since middle school since you and Kazuma went to different schools.

When they realized that the other liked you it turned into a war of who gets you first. And now here we are.

"She wouldn't possibly go with you, Swirly" Kazuma growls.

"Oh? And she will with you? Mr. Short-tempered?" Chrono retorts as they both clashed head to head making the people in the cafeteria look at them in fear.

You heard muttering from their side and looked to see the two male card fighters bickering.

"I've known her longer than you! She'd definitely choose me!" Kazuma spoke.

"As if she'd like a guy that ignores her from time to time!"

You went in between them and kept them apart of each other.

"Mou" you pouted making them both blush. "Chrono-chan! Kazu-kun! Quit fighting your not little kids anymore!" You scolded.

"G-gomen, Y/N" they spoke in unison and then glared at one another once again.

"There you guys go again!" You whined. "What's with you guys today?"

"Well, Y/N you see.." Kazuma started finding the right words to say.

"We wanted to know who you'll go out with after school" Chrono finished.

You looked at them confused, "eh? Is that it?" You giggled.

"O-oi! Stop laughing, Y/N!" Kazuma scolded punching your cheek.

"O-ouch! Kazu-kun!" You pouted.

"So? Who would you go with?" They asked.

"Why don't we just go together!" You cheered as you clapped your hands together. "It's more fun that way! The more the merrier!" You smiled.

They both sweatdropped, "You got it all wro-!" The sudden ring of the bell interrupted Kazuma from his words.

"Oh! Well'p thats the bell! See you after school guys!" You ran ahead to your classroom as you waved at both males.

"Dammit! Now I have to go with you?" Kazuma groans.

"It's like I want to either" Chrono sighed.

"Well then, whoever she chooses wins" Chrono reached his hand out. "May the best man win" they shook hands and went to their respective classes.

■After School■

"Sorry for the wait guys!" You said as you ran up to both of them.

"Took you long enough" Chrono laughed.

"Let's go! To the Arcade!" You pointed to tge horizon as the three of you started walking.

Comfortable silence filled the air as you all walked. Well, for you that is. Both males were nervous to approach you with this question but sighed. They both looked at each other and nodded.

'It's now or never!' They thought.

"Y/N" they called as you looked at both od them since they were behind you as yoy walked. "Hm? Something wrong?" You asked.

"Listen," Kazuma started. "Me and Shindou, we both like you" he states in a serious tone.

"We'd like you to choose between us" Chrono finished as Kazuma nodded.

You took a few minutes to process what was happening and blushed a bit. "That's so sweet of you guys.." you smiled.

"So you've decided?" Chrono asked in anticipation. You looked at him confused.

"Well... I like you both!" You grinned making them both blush. 

"W-what!?" They asked shocked.

"What? You're both my bestfriends! I can't possibly choose between you guys!" You said as skipped on ahead. "Come on guys! The arcade's waiting!"

Both male stood their dumbfounded but followed behind you.

"So much for confessing" Kazuma sighed as Chrono nervously laughed.

"She'll understand eventually" Chrono says as he put both of his hands behind his head. "Oh well,"

"Maybe someday.." they sighed.

Did I took too long? Hehehe ^^ i might not update during the week since I'll be having my final exams for the school year T^T wish me luck! Request are open so ho ahead >w0


- Biyachan ^^

"Let's Stand Up Together" A Cardfight! Vanguard X reader One-Shot Book 1Where stories live. Discover now