Chapter- 2

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Harper's P.O.V-

"Make sure to set up Mrs

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"Make sure to set up Mrs. Hartman's appointment before you leave, she called this morning before you got in and I only just remembered that she needed to be seen as soon as possible. Make an opening in my schedule for tomorrow."

Mr. Welsh was a demanding man. Sometimes I wanted to smack him over the head with a patient file. They were heavy enough...

"Mr. Welsh, you're booked for tomorrow I don't thin-"

"Did I ask if I was booked Ms. Campbell? No, I asked you to make an opening. Do what you have to, make all the calls you need to make. That woman NEEDS to be seen."

I knew he was fùcking her. They were both cheating on their spouses. Mr. Welsh may have been a married man but that didn't mean he was faithful. I should have never stuck up for him to Noah.

"Yes, Mr. Welsh."

As soon as he was inside of his office I flipped off the door. Fùcker. Stupid, annoying fùcker.

At that very moment I decided that I WAS going to tell the man that I couldn't come in tomorrow. I needed a break from his annoying presence.

Quickly getting up from my seat behind my desk, I went over to his door and knocked.

"What!?" Was heard from the other side and I opened it just a crack.

"I won't be in tomorrow, I have something I need to do."

"What's more important than your internship? Unless you want to lose it, you'll be in tomorrow."

"But Mr. Welsh I have to-"

"Something more important than your future?"

In that moment the front door slammed shut and both of us turned to look in that direction.



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