Bonus Chapter//the green eyed monster

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I focused on my newly french manicured nails as they tapped away at the glossy surface of the table.

I had been doing it for the past 10 minutes. A full half an hour had passed since Noah brought a beautiful woman into his office for her interview. She was applying for the position of his 'personal assistant.' The longest lasting one had been fired because she blatantly flirted with him and in front of me on multiple occasions.

Surprisingly I wasn't the one that had complained about her. Not even once. I kept my mouth shut like a good, little girl. Noah had actually expressed how surprised he was himself that I hadn't said anything.

The assistant that had most recently been fired, a week ago- had only lasted for 2 months. She never flirted with Noah but she was late almost every day. Noah was very lenient with her but eventually lost his patience. Two months was a stretch when you couldn't make it a single day on time.

Usually a probationary period lasted 90 days and you had to have perfect attendance. From what my father had told me, Noah used to be a lot less patient. I had changed him and he had developed a soft spot. Well... softer...

He was still his dominant, influential, bossy self.

The woman that was now in his office with him was absolutely beautiful. My father had picked her out of a handful of applicants. And now I wanted to strangle my father...

Noah had offered me the job but he knew why I couldn't take it. I knew he hoped that I'd change my mind but there was just no way. If I was his personal assistant I would be getting the evil eye every, single moment of the day. I couldn't work like that, there was no way in hell.

The worst part about waiting for Noah to finish the interview so we could go to lunch was the fact that I continued to hear bits of laughter from behind his office door.

A weird feeling was growing in my stomach and I didn't like it. It was almost like... nausea... was I nauseous? And why had I chosen to sit so close to his office during the interview, that was still a mystery to me.

There was a small lounge outside of it and I was looking out over the city through the beautiful windows, trying to distract myself from the noises coming from his office as best as I could. The sound of my nails tapping just almost drowned it out. I'm sure it would have completely if I would have let it.

But how do you ignore the fact that the love of your life is laughing and seemingly having a good time with a beautiful woman?

And before we go on, I do trust Noah but- my insecurities were coming out to play.

"Ow, fúck..." In that moment I realized that I had also been biting the heck out of my lip. I licked the blood away that had pooled on it. I was a freaking mess. I needed to breath.

In, out... in, out....

"Harper.... Harper... baby?" I opened my eyes that I didn't even realize I closed to look up at Noah now standing over me. He had his hands on his hips and his brows were furrowed.

"Harper... are you- crying?"

I swallowed hard, suddenly overcome by overwhelming emotion brought on by his question. I lifted my hands and felt the wetness on my cheeks.

What in the hell?

"I-I I didn't realize.."

"My office, now baby." He grabbed my wrist gently but firmly and pulled me to my feet.  I leaned against his side as we walked over to the door. I was so thankful that Noah had his own personal, private floor. That woman must have left so it was just the two of us now.

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