Chapter- 4

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Just a little filler here until we begin- or should I say, Noah and Harper begin their next adventure together. Lol 😉


Expecting to wake up to a concerned Noah wasn't the case this time

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Expecting to wake up to a concerned Noah wasn't the case this time.

He had unbound me and covered me in a thick black, soft blanket.

His eyes were on my face and I watched his jaw clench as he witnessed me becoming conscious again.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't used to him being upset with me... like he obviously was.

"Why do you like to test me?" The question made me shiver and clutch the blanket closer to my body.

I admired his casual attire. A full piece suit. He had gotten dressed again and I wondered why. I didn't think we were done here quite yet. I didn't want to be...

"I'm... I'm trying to please you."

"Well stop. Stop trying to please the monster inside of me, Harper. I REFUSE to scare you. You're the most important thing in the world to me, you keep me sane. You make me indescribably happy and I love you more than I have ever loved anything, anyone... you are my life. Hurting you is NOT an option. You need to get dressed, we are going home. I'm going to send a few emails while you dress."

He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead before getting up. I frantically grabbed onto his sleeve and he turned to look back down at me.

"I... I just want you to... be able to be f-free with me. Be yourself, your whole self. I love you just as much and I want you to have everything you crave, everything you desire."

His face broke out into a grin and I felt relief wash over me.

"And you think that needing to hurt people is part of what I crave and desire? You think that if I can't do things to you- be a dominant with you like I was in the past, I won't feel like our relationship is giving me complete fulfillment?"

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. He made it so easy to relay my feelings to him. Especially when I still had trouble at times, especially now... with this...

He sat back down and began to run a hand through my hair making me moan softly.

"I don't need to be a dominant to you. What we have at home, in our day to day life is enough for me. I don't need to bring you back to a club like this to dominant you, baby girl. We can always play at home. With boundaries of course. I mean it when I say, STOP pushing your limits. When we play again AT HOME, you WILL say your safe word. You passed out on me, little girl. I think you were more than ready..."

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