Chapter- 7

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I listened contentedly as Noah recalled every event from the restaurant to a police officer

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I listened contentedly as Noah recalled every event from the restaurant to a police officer. I could tell that even the officer was intimidated by Noah.

When Noah explained how he had punched the one paparazzi, the officer and a few others listening laughed about it. One even said that the guy deserved it.

Apparently I was worried for nothing and even if charges were filed against him, he would get off.

I don't know why I was surprised in the least. Noah was powerful. He was also determined to get the guy fired for following us into the restaurant. He was filing charges against every paparazzi that had come through the doors.

It was easy for him to get names. I mean with private investigators at his beck and call- duh.

After an hour of chatter with different people at the station and a visit from his lawyer, we finally headed back home.

Noah turned the radio on as soon as we got into the car and neither of us said anything to the other. I really wished that I could read minds at that moment in time.

His knuckles were turning white as he held the steering wheel. He was obviously still upset. I imagined that he was still thinking about what had happened in the restaurant, replaying the events over and over again in his head.

It really sucked because he was already having a hard time dealing with all the media attention and previous incidents and then, BAM- a new one... I think he was way over his limit.

If someone dared to shove another camera in my face he was going to do more than just punch the person in the face, he was going to pummel them to the floor

"I really am sorry baby girl. You have to suffer like this because of who I am. Sometimes I think you deserve be-"

"Don't you DARE finish that sentence Noah Carter. You know for a fact that there is no one better for me, than you!"

I was practically glaring at him. I could feel a vein in my neck pulsing as I grew angrier just thinking about him thinking about saying something like that.

I watched his jaw tick as we pulled into our driveway and the garage door began to open.

He was beyond irritated and the tone I used with him was probably not smart. My voice was loud too, I pretty much yelled at him. No I did yell. And as we pulled up into the garage and it shut behind us, he was quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and then mine.

I knew what was coming when his hands gripped my waist and he pulled me onto him.

A groan parted his lips as soon as I grinded on the hard bulge in his pants. I would never get enough of him.

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