Chapter- 8

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Changing up the direction of the story.
Hang in there with me.

When I opened my eyes again, Noah was sitting on the bed next to me. He was watching me attentively. I watched his eyes follow every move I made as my limbs stretched around me.

"I'm never going to get used to you passing out, baby girl. I know you always wake back up and it doesn't upset you... but I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. I should NEVER take out my anger on your body in that way."

He gently pushed the blanket off of me until I was completely bared to him. His fingers danced from my hair, all the way down to my feet where he massaged them softly, making me moan.

Noah loved to massage my feet. Just another amazing thing about him to add to the list. He was really good at it too. He's made me fall asleep on multiple occasions.

"Hmmm..." I moaned as he moved to my other foot. "Well... will you make it up to me?"

Our eyes connected and in that moment he realized what I meant by that. "Harper.... baby..."

"Don't you 'Harper, baby me.' It's only fair and you know it."

His hands stopped all movement and he looked like he was thinking and I swallowed hard. Did I use the wrong tone again? Having been a dominant and just plain dominant in general he didn't take to 'commands' very well, or being scolded...

"Stand up." Was his only response but I listened quickly as he let go of my feet.

As my feet hit the carpet and I stood against the side of the bed, he striped off his briefs- becoming as naked as me.

I wasn't prepared when he took my place on the bed and stretched each one of his limbs out completely.

"Get the cuffs."

Again I swallowed hard, suddenly nervous. I listened again, walking over to the dresser and opened the top drawer.

With them in hand, I turned back to face him and walked over to the bed again- slowly. His eyes were watching my every move and he was smirking.

He wrapped his hands around the headboard posts and licked his lips. "Lock me up, princess."

My hands shook as I did as I was told and he chuckled, feeling it. "Something the matter?"

The cocky son of a bítch.

Oh something was about to be seriously wrong. For him anyway. I was going to delay his gratification. Big time.

He knew how good he was at making me nervous and was definitely doing it now. Time to switch it off.

As soon as he was cuffed, I went for his legs, pushing them far apart. We helped me spread them as far as they would go. He was already hard... This was going to be fun.

Without a word, I went back over to the dresser to take out rope he'd used to tie me up many times. He raised both brows as I approached with it in hand. His amused face fell rather quickly. I was now the one amused. He never took me very seriously.

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