20 ~ Melodic Music

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"Morning Haru... " I said I dragged myself out to the kitchen and took a seat on one of the stools while Haru replied with a lazy mornin'.

"Coffee?" She asked.

"Duh." I responded.

She prepared the coffee while I started dozing off at the table. That is until I remembered Kaminari's suggestion.

"What are your thoughts on me meeting Kaminari IRL? " I asked.

Well... It will probably be pretty interesting. Why? " She replied as she set my coffee mug by me.

"Last night when I got home he said we could meet and use that as a subject for my term paper. " I said.

"That sounds like a good idea to me. I say go for it if u want." She shrugged.

"Well I thought like what if he isn't like he really is when texting. He could be totally different." I explained my worries as laid my head on my arms using them as a pillow.

"Have you two tried the video chatting before? " Haru asked in a duh matter.

"Nope...... " Haru heaved a sigh.

"You're hopeless."

"Agree with 'ya there." I chuckled.

"After school and work, why not video chat then give him an answer." She suggested.

"Why not." I shrugged. This could work maybe.


I had finally arrived home from work and if course a whole lot of Snaps from Pikachu were waiting to be opened. Most of which were "miss you", "answer me beautiful", " I hate when u ignore me babe", and one that said "did you come up with answer on meeting? ".

Of course I wasn't going to respond, instead I clicked on the video chat button and waited for him to answer.


" WAIT IS THIS REAL?!! YOU'RE ACTUALLY VIDEO CHATTING WITH ME?!!! " A happy looking boy with hopeful topaz eyes and yellow-blonde hair along with lighting bolt shaped black streak cheered.

"Uh... Yeah?" I deadpaned.

"Woooowwww your voice is as beautiful as you are." He swooned.

"You're never going to stop with the flirting are you? " I sighed.

"Probably not." He laughed. It was a really cute laugh. I could admit that to myself; to him however absolutely NOT.

"Whatever." I huffed in annoyance.

"So what made a pretty girl like you want to video chat little 'ol me." He gave me mischievous eyes and a sly smile.

"Just bored." I lied.

"So why not just text?" He gave me another sly smile.

"Why ask questions and just enjoy our little video chat." I gave him a smug smile in return.

"I guess. Well what should we talk about?" He asked.

"Well did u ever finish that song you said you'd let me listen to?" I shrugged.

"I have. I suppose I'll try to charm with my lovely singing." He laughed.

"Then do it." I egged him on.

I was honestly really curious on what his singing voice sounded like.

"Ok then listen closely, for this is the voice of a future pop idol." He grabbed his wooden guitar and smirked.

"Oh I will." I rolled my eyes.

After tuning his guitar he began to skillfully strum the strings.

A/N: the song he is going to be singing is one of my favorite songs right now. It's False Confidence by Noah Kahan. If you wanna listen as this part happens go for it. I put the acoustic since Kami is playing acoustic in the fic ;).

"Don't take yourself so seriously
Look at you all dressed up for someone you never see
You're here for a reason but you don't know why You split and uneven your hands to the sky Surrender yourself"

My eyes widened in shock at how good he was. His voice was raw and emotional. You could tell how much of his heart he put into each and every note

"And I wonder why I tear myself down
To be built back up again
Oh I hope some how I wake up young again
All that's left of myself
Holes in my false confidence
And I lay myself down
And hope I wake up young again"

I watched as he strung the guitar strings and smiled at me as he sang. It was mesmerizing to watch. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Don't let those demons in again
I fill the void up with polished
Fake sentiment
Surrender yourself
And I wonder why I tear myself down
To be built back up again
Oh I hope some how I wake up young again
All that's left of myself
Holes in my false confidence
And I lay myself down
And hope I wake up young again
Hope I wake up young again
Hope I wake up young again"

I swayed along to the catchy beat and memorable lyrics, smiling at the blonde haired singer.

"Why won't you take me seriously
Look at me all fucked up
Over someone I'll never meet
And I wonder why I tear myself down
To be built back up again
Oh I hope some how I wake up young again
All that's left of myself
Holes in my false confidence
And I lay myself down
And hope I wake up young again
Hope I wake up
Wonder why I tear myself down
To be built back up again
Oh I hope some how I wake up young again
All that's left of myself
Holes in my false confidence
And I lay myself down
And hope I wake up young again
Hope I wake up young again

Hope I wake up young again"

At this moment I told myself that he's really an amazing and beautiful person. As he strung the last few notes and looked to me. I said.

"I will meet you IRL."

He gave me the biggest grin. "REALLY?!"

"Yes." I smiled back.

PMOYS(Denki Kaminari X Reader) (Texting AU)Where stories live. Discover now