29 ~ World's Greatest Love Songs

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A/N: Shorter chapter but oh well

"I'm giving up. I'll just fail this paper." [L/N] ran a her hand through her hair frustratedly while she watched Midoryia read over her paper.

"It's fine there aren't that many mistakes to correct." Midoryia laughed.

"You don't gotta lie to me.  I know there's a lot." She sighed.

"I'm not lying though." Midoryia looked up at her.

"Uuhhgg just gimme the paper back if you're done." She sighed once again.

"Here there's just a few Grammer and misspelled words. Other than that you should get a  good grade." He smiled at me and I took the paper with a long sigh.

"Thanks Midori. " I put the paper in my bag.


I picked my phone up off the table and saw a text from none other than Kaminari.

Hopeless Dumbass:

Hey babe how's the paper


Almost done and how many times must I tell u to drop the babe bs

Hopeless Dumbass:



Lol so hbu any projects at idol school

Hopeless Dumbass:

Yeah I gotta do a number with one of the 'Worlds greatest love songs'. 


What song r u gonna do

Hopeless Dumbass:

Idk what do you think I could do


Well I've always thought that b perfect by Ed Sheeran was a good one or Say You won't let go by James Arthur

Hopeless Dumbass:

Yeah those r good ideas thanks sugar


Np -_-

Hopeless Dumbass:

:)))))  well I better go get those music sheets for them songs and start rehearsing gn beautiful


Wow I think this is the first time u ever ended out conversation gn

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