31 ~ I Got Dibs

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[F/N]'s POV

Haru and I sat waiting for Midoryia and Iida to finally arrive here for our little hangout.  I was pretty excited because this would be a great chance for Haru and Iida to finally talk and get to know each other better. 

Knock!  Knock!

I got up from my seat on the couch and ran over to the door,  opening it up to reveal a smiling Midoryia and Iida with his usual stiff, robot like pose.

"We're here." Midoryia chuckled nervously.

"Come on in." I laughed as I held open the door for the two boys.

"Hello, Konomi." Iida said respectfully as he did a 90° bow

"Hey, Tenya." She mumbled looking up from her drawing.

"Hi, Konomi." Midoryia waved stiffly.

"Hey, Izu." She looked over to the Green haired boy.

"So what beautiful piece of art are you working on today?" Iida asked as he took a seat beside the small brunette on the couch she lazily picked up her sketchbook to show him.

I was standing beside Midoryia and leaned over and whispered, " They are so cute."

He flushed red and nodded his head in agreement, I smiled in amusement.

"Iida seems to like Konomi and vice versa." Midoryia stated in a hushed voice.

"It's so obvious." I laughed.

"So... Uh have you two eaten yet... I'm kinda hungry." Midoryia admitted scratching the back of his head.

"We can order some takeout." I suggested.

"That sounds good.  I'll pay."

"You sure? I can pay too."


"Hey, Haru, Iida we're ordering takeout." I informed to the two.

"Okay that's fine with me."  She card back.

"I too am fine with that. I will pay for it if you will let me." Iida said.

"Midori already called dibs on that. I don't really get the big deal on paying though." I conveyed to the blue headed male.

"Well thank you then Midoryia." Iida bowed once again to show his gratitude to Midoryia.

"It's no big deal Iida." Midoryia gushed as he waved his hands frantically.

"Y'all wanna watch a movie or something?" Haru chimed as she quickly pulled up Netflix on the TV.

"I think that's a great idea.  We can all bond together." Iida informed.

"Not me and Midoryia we have things to work on for our writing class." I quickly said dragging him to my room and shutting the door behind me while Midoryia flushed red and held a confused look.

"W-W-We don't have anything really to work on though. Why'd you drag me away." He pointed out clearly not getting what I was doing.

"I was gonna give the future couple out there a chance to be alone." I explained in a sport of "duh" tone.

"Oooh I get it." He laughed in realization.

"Yeah.... So got any HW I can help you on? " I asked.

"Not really." He admitted.

"What should we do then?" I wondered aloud.

"Well.... We could find a movie to watch-"


"Uh.... [L/N] you should probably check your phone." Midoryia muttered.

"I should but I already know who's tryna call." I explained while picking up my phone and proceeding to answer the facetime.

"The hell do you want,  Pikachu." I huffed.

"I just wanted to check up on a beautiful girl named [L/N]."

"Did... He just call you beautiful..... I mean i-i-it's not like what he's saying is false.  It's just that's so forward and I'm just..... Surprised that someone could be like that.  I'd never-"

"Midori,  calm yourself.  I know he's always like that." I laughed.

"Who's that with you?  Is that a boy? "

"He's a friend.  His name is Midoryia but I call him Midori." I quickly explained.

"Nice to meet you, Midori!"

"Uh...I-it's nice to meet you as well..... -"

"Kaminari,  Kaminari Denki or Pikachu as the lovely [L/N] calls me."

"Well nice to meet you too then, Kaminari." Midoryia said a flustered look on his face.  The one that he usually gets when meeting new people.

"So how do you two know each other."

"We go to the same college.  He was the guy I had a " Study date" with." I informed with a shrug while the boy on the other end of the call freaked out.


"D-D-D-D-DATE?!!!  [L/N] but I got a girlfriend!" Midoryia blushed brightly.

"Calm down it was a joke." I laughed at the two boys reactions.

"Don't joke like that, [L/N]." The curly haired boy sighed.

"I agree.... Plus I got dibs on you anyways."

"Yeah.... Right." I sweat dropped at Kaminari's statement.

"Heh heh..." Midoryia gave a nervous chuckle.

PMOYS(Denki Kaminari X Reader) (Texting AU)Where stories live. Discover now