36 ~ A Connection That Wasn't There Before

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Something changed between Pikachu and I after he sang that song I held so close to my heart. I felt more.... Connected to him in a way.  It was a new and strange feeling that wasn't completely unwelcome.

I found myself smiling more when we texted or called, rather than being annoyed.  It was strange,  I had no idea what it meant,  and I didn't really care. 

Its been a few days since then.  I found myself smiling when texting him, and when he sends me streaks with that lopsided grin,  my stomach flutters and flips.  As well as a leap in my heart with an uncontrollable blush when he calls me those horrible pet names.

These things weren't there before.



I went to check my phone realizing that it was Sero. Probably sending me my daily dose of memes.

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

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Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

If bakuthot was a chick😂



Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Haha got any hw


I finished that a while ago hbu

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Eh I'll copy off Kiris later ;)


Is that what everyone is ur squad does

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Nahh just me and Kami


Oof u will never be smart if u cheat all the time

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Meh idrc



Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

Soooo u never told me how that performance with mah boi Kami went a few nights ago ;)


It was really good Kami is super talented

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:



Don't even think about telling him that

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

I won't promise


Good -_-

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

But like I don't gotta tell him ;)  he knows how much u liked it


Tf do u mean

Soy Sauce Is My Drug:

I mean about y'all crying at the end



Soy Sauce Is My Drug:



U know exactly y I got emotional and ur the who suggested that song I bet u sneaky lil snake

Sneaky Snake:

U have no proof



Sneaky Snake:


A/N: Obviously this book is not complete since I'm updating again.  Idky this book says completed but if someone can tell me how to fix it plz do.  Also sorry for the short chapter  :)

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